David Beckham’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword cameo debuted two days ago online, winning some relatively negative reviews online.

Critics who watched the entire film were equally unimpressed, Empire calling it a “misguided, fist-biter of a performance”, The Telegraph adding: “[It] goes on for line after forehead-slapping line, and saps the moment of its mythic excitement. 

Speaking to Sky News, director Guy Ritchie defended the performance, saying: "He was fantastic, I love old Becksy. He is a fabulous actor and a real pleasure to be with."

Asked about Beckham’s movie star potential, Ritchie was less enthusiastic, saying: "I don't know yet, one step at a time."

Charlie Hunnam, who stars as the titular character, was also positive about the footballer’s performace: "It was lovely [working with Beckham], he did an amazing job. He is very quiet and humble and serious.

"I thought it was a lark, I thought he was just going to show up for a laugh because he is Guy's friend, but he took it all very, very seriously.”

Overall, the reviews for Legend of the Sword have been relatively negative, the film currently holding an 18 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. As a result, the film is expected to bomb at the box office following weekend. 

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword reaches UK cinemas 19 May, and US theatres 13 May. 
