

Donald Trump suggests there may be 'tapes' of his private conversations with James Comey

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Washington: US President Donald Trump on Friday warned James Comey, the former FBI director he fired last week, against leaking anything negative and put the news media on notice that he may cancel future White House briefings.

In a series of early-morning posts on Twitter, Trump seemed to suggest there may be secret tapes of his conversations with Comey that could be used to counter the former FBI director if necessary.

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Trump issues secret tapes threat to Comey

White House spokesman Sean Spicer says US President Donald Trump has "nothing further to add" about a tweet suggesting that there might be tapes of conversations between him and fired FBI Director James Comey.

It was not immediately clear whether he meant that literally or simply hoped to intimidate Comey into silence. It is unclear if such tapes exist.

Trump has long been said by allies and former employees to have taped some of his own phone calls, as well as meetings in his Trump Tower offices.

During the campaign, Trump's aides working on the fifth floor of Trump Tower told reporters they feared their offices were bugged by the candidate's security team, and they were careful about what they said.


White House spokespeople did not immediately respond to questions about whether Trump had in fact taped his conversations with Comey.

CNN on Friday reported that Comey was "not concerned" about the presence of any recordings.

Trump appeared agitated over news reports on Friday that focused on contradictory accounts of his decision to fire Comey at the same time the FBI is investigating ties between Trump's associates and Russia.

The New York Times reported that, at a dinner shortly after his inauguration, Trump asked Comey to pledge loyalty to him, which the FBI director refused to do. The story cited two people who heard Comey describe the dinner but the White House rebutted the account.

The president also appeared annoyed at attention on the shifting versions of how he came to fire Comey.

In his first extended comments on the firing on Thursday, Trump contradicted statements made by his White House spokeswoman as well as comments made to reporters by Vice-President Mike Pence and even the letter the president himself signed and sent to Comey informing him of his dismissal.

The original White House version of the firing was that the president acted on the recommendation of the attorney general and deputy attorney general because of Comey's handling of last year's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email. But in an interview with NBC News on Thursday, Trump said he had already decided to fire Comey and would have done so regardless of any recommendation. And he indicated that he was thinking about the Russia investigation when he made the decision.

Trump said on Friday morning that no one should expect his White House to give completely accurate information.

The threat may have been just a rhetorical point, but Trump by his own description likes to be unpredictable and does not feel obligated to follow long-standing White House conventions.

Every president in modern times has been frustrated with the news media at points, but they all preserved the tradition of the daily briefing, if for no other reason than to get their message out. Trump, with Twitter as his own trumpet.

There is already precedent for shutting down news briefings during Trump's presidency. The State Department for decades held daily briefings with only rare and brief interruptions in a process that was important not only to inform reporters of administration policy, but foreign governments and even the department's own far-flung diplomats. Such briefings have largely ended during the Trump administration.

The Washington Post