TV Cream

TV: L is for...

Lift Off with Ayesha

THIS IS more like it. Cheap and cheerful TOTP-baiting bonanza on t’other side, initially just called LIFT OFF and hosted by GRAHAM BONNEY and, of all people, WALLY WHYTON. But then, and a warm hand on her entrance please, came AYESHA “UFO” BROUGH, hair-sprayed, hot-panted and ready to hoof with the best of them. Them, in this instance, being the likes of Sweet, Slade, Lieutenant Pigeon, Gilbert O’Sullivan and, erm, Peters and Lee. Team of dancers, similarly attired and equally attuned, present if not correct.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. noel cameron

    January 22, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    I played a classical guitar piece om Lift Off in 1975. It was hosted by Lynsay de Sykes and Smokey were on the show and Stuart Mason who wrote Delilah.

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