The talents of Bob Monkhouse - are we even close to totting them up? This comedy gazetteer of the state of the...
Friends, we are gathered together, in this here place, to praise Desmond Olivier Dingle, renowned classical actor, thinker and Artistic Director of...
Andrew Marshall and David Renwick. Aren't they a panic?
Their first effort, the Big Red Book, may have invented the TV comedy picture book as a genre (if not quite, as...
Come with us if you will to a time when the comedy panel game was a shy and gentle beast.
Comedians' autobiographies are, as a rule, to be approached with a critical ten foot pole, if not a censorious mop and bucket.
Last chance for a half-decent TV comedy book before Mitchell and Webb!
Anonymously penned Jefferson Airplane-referencing perma-controversial purported diary of a sixties teenager
Altogether now: “Kids’ book!” Well, in many cases yes, but what a kids’ book! The first comedy TV tie-in to fully capitalise...
Of all the great pretend sociological toilet books the eighties (literally) threw up, actually funny titles were few and far between. (Next...
The last knockings of the Not the Nine O'Clock News literary franchise and, by its creators' own admission, the least.
With the multimedia satire factory that was Not the Nine O'Clock News launching records, books and - oh, yes - TV shows...
From 1958 onwards, paperback house Pan published spine-chilling tales of uncanny terror, subtle beastliness, eldritch nightmare, Grand Guignol and other adjectives only...
Willie Rushton, we’re sure you don’t need telling, was the man. Multi-talented in that unassuming ‘what, this old thing? Just dashed it...
We normally treat the phrase "of its time" with the contempt such a corny, the-pubs-are-open cliche deserves, but for this collection of...
Psst! Want a lovingly crafted, font-perfect collection of printed parodies?
“Mani-legs go on forever. I'd follow that tush ANYWHERE!” It didn't take the Internet to prove that there's no creature on Earth...
Seemingly never-ending 'improving' sci-fi saga of dubious scientific veracity
“Hey TV Cream,” people ask us. “Where do you get your ideas from?” Actually, no-one’s ever asked us that, because it’s quite...
From the 1970s onward, Peter Usborne’s children’s factual publishing empire was the Oxford University Press for the pre-secondary set.
Seminal 'make your own entertainment'-reinventing 'single-player roleplaying gamebook'
Brian Eno, boys and girls: professor of pop? Pretentious production polymath? Son of Norfolk postman? Girly faced bloke off of Roxy who...