UNDP Around the world

Contact us

United Nations Development Programme
One United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017 USA

Investigation hotline

To report a complaint or concern, please contact UNDP through its investigation hotline. For more information, read our scam alert.

Jobs & internships

To apply for a job/internship or view current vacancies, please visit UNDP’s Job Site at http://jobs.undp.org/.

If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact jobs.help@undp.org.

Media (Journalists)

E-mail: UNDP-newsroom@undp.org
News CentreMedia Contacts

Country Offices

Find out about UNDP's programmes and activities around the world:
Africa | Arab States | Asia & the Pacific | Europe & Central AsiaLatin America & the Caribbean

Liaison Offices

Denmark Office | Finland Office | Norway Office | Sweden Office | Tokyo Office | UN Office in Brussels | Washington Liaison Office | Geneva Office