Cyberattacks seen triggered with hacked NSA hacking tool

The East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust was among the services targeted.
The East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust was among the services targeted.
by Dan Bilefsky and Nicole Perlroth

Hackers exploiting data stolen from the US government conducted extensive cyberattacks on Friday (Saturday AEST) hitting dozens of countries around the world, severely disrupting Britain's public health system and wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers elsewhere.

There are currently no confirmed reports of the attack in Australia, but the federal government says it is assessing the situation.

"We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and stand ready to deal with any cyber-security threat to Australia's critical infrastructure," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said through a spokesman on Saturday.

The prime minister's right-hand man on cyber security, Alastair MacGibbon, is working with officials and health agencies to determine any impact on Australia.

Hospitals in Britain appeared to be the most severely affected by the attacks, which aimed to blackmail computer users by seizing their data. The attacks blocked doctors' access to patient files and forced emergency rooms to divert people seeking urgent care.

Corporate computer systems in many other countries — including FedEx of the United States, one of the world's leading international shippers — were among those affected.

Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity firm, said it had recorded at least 45,000 attacks in as many as 74 countries.

Cybersecurity firm Avast puts the figure closer to 75,000 attacks in as many as 99 countries, with Russia, Ukraine and Taiwan hardest hit.

It was not immediately clear who was behind the attacks, but the acts deeply alarmed cybersecurity experts and underscored the enormous vulnerabilities to internet invasions faced by disjointed networks of computer systems around the world.

"When people ask what keeps you up at night, it's this," said Chris Camacho, chief strategy officer at Flashpoint, a New York security firm tracking the attacks.

The attacks were reminiscent of the hack that took down dozens of websites last October, including Twitter, Spotify and PayPal, that exploited devices connected to the internet, including printers and baby monitors.

The attack involved ransomware, a kind of malware that encrypts data and locks out the user. According to security experts, it exploited a vulnerability that was discovered and developed by the National Security Agency.

The hacking tool was leaked by a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers, which has been dumping stolen NSA hacking tools online beginning last year. Microsoft rolled out a patch for the vulnerability last March, but hackers took advantage of the fact that vulnerable targets — particularly hospitals — had yet to update their systems.

The malware was circulated by email; targets were sent an encrypted, compressed file that, once loaded, allowed the ransomware to infiltrate its targets.

Reuters reported that employees of Britain's National Health Service were warned about the ransomware threat earlier on Friday.

By then, it was already too late. As the disruptions rippled through hospitals, doctors' offices and ambulance companies across Britain on Friday, the health service declared the attack as a "major incident", a warning that local health services could be overwhelmed by patients.

Britain's health's secretary, Jeremy Hunt, was briefed by cybersecurity experts, while Prime Minister Theresa May's office said she was monitoring the situation.

Telefónica, MegaFon among targets

Among the many other institutions that were affected were hospitals and telecommunications companies across Europe, Russia, Asia and beyond, according to MalwareHunterTeam, a security firm that tracks ransomware attacks. Spain's Telefónica and Russia's MegaFon were among the targets.

Attacks were being reported in Britain and 11 other countries, including Turkey, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan, with the majority of affected computers in Russia. The computers all appeared to be hit with the same ransomware, and similar ransom messages demanding about $US300 to unlock their data.

The attack on the National Health Service seemed perhaps the most audacious of the attacks, because it had life-or-death implications for hospitals and ambulance services.

Tom Donnelly, a spokesman for NHS Digital, the arm of the health service that handles cybersecurity, said in a phone interview that 16 organisations, including "hospitals and other kinds of clinician services", had been hit by a cyberattack. Officials later updated that number to at least 25.

"It is still ongoing," he said. "We were made aware of it this afternoon."

The service's digital arm said in a statement that the attack involved a variant of ransomware known as Wanna Decryptor.

The user is asked to pay a ransom to unlock the computer. It has become an increasingly prevalent problem. Last year, a Los Angeles hospital paid $US17,000 after such an attack; earlier this year, hackers shut down the electronic key system at a hotel in Austria.

GCHQ digital unit investigating

On social media, several images circulated showing computer screens bearing a message that the user could not enter without first paying a $US300 ransom in Bitcoin. Many doctors reported that they could not retrieve their patients' files.

NHS Digital added, "At this stage we do not have any evidence that patient data has been accessed."

It said that the NHS did not appear to have been the target of the attack.

The National Cyber Security Centre, an arm of the GCHQ, the British electronic surveillance agency, said it was investigating the attack. "We are aware of a cyber incident, and we are working with NHS Digital and the National Crime Agency to investigate," it said in a statement.

As of 3.30pm local time, 16 organisations within NHS England had reported being affected, the statement said. (It did not immediately appear that the NHS systems in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland had been hit.)

Widespread impact

According to the BBC, hospitals in London and Nottingham, the town of Blackburn, and the counties of Cumbria and Hertfordshire had been affected.

In the northwestern seaside town of Blackpool, doctors had resorted to pen and paper, with phone and computer systems having shut down, according to the local newspaper, The Blackpool Gazette.

A bit to the south, in the seaside town of Southport, images on Twitter showed ambulances backed up outside the town's hospital.

In Stevenage, a town in Hertfordshire, north of London, the health service postponed all nonurgent activity and asked people not to come to the accident and emergency ward at the Lister Hospital.

The National Health Service, which is an institution that Britons both revere and love to complain about, said it was "working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre, the Department of Health and NHS England to support affected organisations and to recommend appropriate mitigations".

Spain, Portugal

Less was known about the scope of the attacks in Spain and Portugal, which affected companies like Telefónica.

Spain's national cryptology centre said it was dealing with "a massive ransomware attack" affecting Windows systems used by various organisations, without naming them.

Later Friday, Portugal reported a similar attack. Carlos Cabreiro, director of a police unit that fights cybercrime, told the newspaper Pú​blico that the country was facing "computer attacks on a large scale against different Portuguese companies, especially communication operators".

Spain's Industry Ministry said in a separate statement that the attack did not affect networks or end users of services offered by the companies targeted. Telefónica also indicated that the attack targeted its internal network rather than its millions of customers. On Twitter, Chema Alonso, Telefónica's chief data officer, called initial news reports "exaggerated".

Several employees of MegaFon, one of the largest cellphone operators in Russia, said its systems were attacked Friday by malware like that used against the NHS, the news website reported.

- with AAP.

The New York Times