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As banks and government go to war over new tax, shareholders will be the losers

As Treasurer Scott Morrison and the bank bosses traded public barbs this week, the lenders' bean counters got to work dealing with the sobering reality they find themselves in.

Whether banks like it or not, the budget's $6.2 billion bank tax looks almost certain to go ahead. It is not up for negotiation.

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Big bank budget battle

The head of the Australian Bankers' Association has slammed Scott Morrison for the "smash and grab" decision to tax big banks.

This blunt message was delivered ahead of high-level meetings between Treasury officials and bank finance chiefs in government offices in Sydney and Melbourne, two days after the budget.

While their bosses hit the airwaves to publicly rail against the tax, the banks' chief financial officers were expressly told to turn up to the meetings with questions on the nitty-gritty detail of how the tax will work, not to debate its legitimacy. 

In a further sign the government means business, banks have only until Monday to lodge submissions. Legislation will be written days later, and must then pass through the parliament in a little over four weeks. Labor backed the tax almost instantly on budget night.

About one week after parliament rises for the long winter break, the taxman looks set to start collecting an extra $1.5 billion a year from Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, National Australia Bank, ANZ Bank and Macquarie via the new 0.06 per cent tax on their hundreds of billions in borrowings.


That is the reality facing shareholders - and it is happening as the market is already asking hard questions about the industry's future growth.

"This levy comes at a time when bank earnings and profitability are already facing multiple headwinds from moderate credit growth, low interest rates, strong price competition for new business, rising capital requirements and the potential for rising credit costs," credit ratings agency Moody's said this week.

And don't imagine banks can avoid it by fiddling with their balance sheets, as that may simply result in the rate being raised: UBS analyst Jonathan Mott points out the UK introduced a similar levy in 2011, and politicians had hiked its rate nine times since then.

What is more, the levy is only one of a suite of changes that will also give the government greater power to determine the staff that run private banks, how they are paid, as well as upping scrutiny of banks' pricing.

Given their central role in the economy and financial system, the budget's hit on the banks has sparked a fierce debate over the precedent this may set for policy-making towards other highly-profitable business.

For the hundreds of thousands of Australians with bank shares, it also adds fuel to the long-running debate about whether these darlings of the stockmarket can continue to satisfy the lofty expectations of investors.

Cash grab, or reform package?

In contrast to the 2010 mining tax furore, Scott Morrison has not tried to spell out a detailed policy rationale for the tax, aside from getting banks to help repair the budget. He doesn't need to. So popular is the idea of taxing the $30 billion in annual profits the banks make that the legislation looks set sail through parliament in rapid time.

Instead of making a policy argument, Morrison bluntly told the lenders this week to stop whinging and "absorb" the levy.

"$1.5 billion is raised and there's an annual profit of those banks combined of more than $30 billion. Give me a break. That's what Australians will be saying," Morrison said.

Assuming the levy goes ahead, the immediate cost will indeed be to bank's profits. But banks are desperate to point out that 70 to 80 per cent of those profits are paid out to shareholders, many of whom are retail investors.


Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted says banks will wear the initial cost, then consider whether they can "defray" some of the hit by cutting their costs, or adjusting prices.

​"If the legislation is passed, that's $350 million, $400 million for each of the big banks wiped off their cash earnings, unavailable for distribution to shareholders," Maxsted said in an interview.

"Then it's up to us in a considered way, over time, to say is there any way in which that can be absorbed by greater efficiencies in the bank, do we need to address certain projects that we're doing, or do we need to move in pricing."

Maxsted also argues the move sets a "terrible precedent" for how policy is being developed, from a government that has put lower company taxes at the centre of its "jobs and growth" agenda.

Banks are asking if other highly profitable or unpopular industries be on the block next, with NAB's chief executive Andrew Thorburn this week suggested the tax hit raises real concerns for other listed companies.

'Random tax'

​"Is it miners, is it retailers – who is it going to be? Anybody who's profitable could be in the gun for a random tax?" Thorburn said this week.

While that may sound politically palatable, Maxsted says it amounts to taxing the most successful companies more, sapping the motivation to succeed in business.

"So what is the basis here? An alleged capacity to pay, so the more successful you are, the more you grow, the more people you employ, the more that I can randomly tax you because you are seen to be successful. That doesn't seem to be very good policy and not a good motivator," Maxsted says.

Maxsted and senior bankers are, however, more open to the government's plan to require greater vetting by regulators of senior executives, which was also announced on budget night.

There are also questions over whether targeting bank liabilities with a tax could have unintended consequences.

Independent economist Saul Eslake, who has previously worked for banks, says it is crystal clear what the tax is: a revenue raising exercise. Given that, he says it would have been more "honest" to simply raise the company tax rate by 5 percentage points for big banks.

"It would be equally arbitrary and discriminatory, but it would have been more honest."

He questions what would happen to the levy if banks did hit turbulence, and were not making profits. It is not clear if the levy would still apply at a time like this, when it may not make sense to extract more cash from the banking system.

Sky is falling?

Yet there are also orthodox economic arguments to introduce taxes such as this for banks.

CLSA bank analyst Brian Johnson said such levies were common overseas, and could help to pay for the implicit taxpayer support that banks benefit from.

"It's not outrageous at all, there are bank taxes in most countries in the world," Johnson says. "Banks enjoy a unique role where they tax deposits and lend them out, but sometimes, people don't pay them back."

"What makes deposits safe is that implicit guarantee from the government. The fact is they do enjoy support from the public."

Mr Johnson said the banks' rhetoric suggesting that the "sky is falling" needed to be seen against the fact these institutions were "really very profitable."

There is also an argument that such a tax can help to encourage competition, a goal the government is also pursuing through a new Productivity Commission inquiry, and steps towards "open banking," using technology to encourage bank consumers to shop around. 

Harry Scheule, associate professor of finance at University of Technology Sydney, points out the big four banks have steadily increased their market share in home loans and deposits from 70 per cent before the global financial crisis to about 80 per cent now.

Such concentration is prized by shareholders, but Scheule says it erodes competition, makes financial products more expensive than they should be.

Big Four dominance remains

The bank tax should help address this, because it will curb one of the biggest advantages the big banks have when competing with smaller rivals: their lower cost of funds.

"It will take away a bit of the advantage that the big banks have," Scheule says. "But in the big scheme of things, when you talk about reversing the market share of the big banks, it's not going to do much [because of the tax]."

While shares of second-tier lenders such as Bank of Queensland and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank rallied this week, others in the market are equally sceptical about its long-term impact on competition.

Managing partner at Arnhem Asset Management Mark Nathan says the tax will have only a limited impact on competition. Such is the relatively small size of the second-tier banks that customers have limited capacity to vote with their feet.

"I think it's a furphy. The smaller banks have always been price takers, not price makers," Nathan says.

Dividends could be threatened

For shareholders, the critical question raised by the tax is how much of it ends up coming out of customers' pockets, or whether it eats into profits, and therefore dividends.

What is more, it is happening at a time when bank returns are slowing. Even though the industry is highly profitable, the tax is being viewed as yet another "headwind" facing lenders' profits, and the $20 billion a year in dividends they pay.

This month's half-year profit results delivered by Westpac, ANZ Bank and National Australia Bank all showed that revenue fell, excluding gains from their volatile Treasury divisions.

UBS analyst Jonathan Mott described the results as a "bit of a fizzer," pointing out that aggressive cost-cutting was a bright spot, while charges for bad loans also fell. 

A trading update from the Commonwealth Bank this month underlined the softer conditions are starting to bite, contributing to the $14 billion slump in bank share prices that greeted news of the banking levy.

A likely slowdown in the housing market is predicted to make it even harder for banks to lift their revenue, as a two-decade long increase in household indebtedness comes to a halt in the face of regulatory action.

'Squeezed from all sides'

Citi analysts led by Craig Williams said in their review of recent earnings that banks appear "squeezed from all sides," as the "golden egg" of the mortgage market loses its lustre.

NAB and Westpac are seen as the most stretched, as ANZ Bank cut its dividend last year and CBA's business generates the most capital of the big four.

Macquarie analyst Victor German this week said the tax would "put pressure" on NAB's dividend, predicting "increased likelihood of a cut."

Westpac's Maxsted says the tax will clearly be one influence on the company's decision on a dividend, but it is too early to be more definitive.

"We will work our way through that over the next six months before having to make our decision," he says. "It's a factor. I can't pre-empt where we will be in six months time, but it will be one influencer, obviously."

Making matters more challenging for lenders, the budget also provided funding for the competition watchdog to scrutinise banks' mortgage pricing.

Australia's banks have a strong record for flexing their market muscle when hit with higher costs, and passing the impost on to their customers. But in this political environment, that may be a more difficult trick to pull off.


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