Spanish civil war

The Japanese man who died on the Spanish front - Miyamoto Masao

An English translation from the Esperanto article on the life and death of the Japanese volunteer in the Spanish Civil War. First published in Sennaciulo 57/2 of February 1986, as part of a series of articles to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War.

Japano, kiu mortis en la fronto de Hispanio: Miyamoto Masao

(Sekva artikolo estis publikigita en "Sennaciulo" 57/2 de februaro 1986, en serio okaze de la 50-a datreveno de la komenco de la hispana milito)

"As barricadas devem ser removidas": fascismo stalinista na espanha (1937) - Paul Mattick

Descrição dos acontecimentos de maio de 1937 na Catalunha: a contrarrevolução stalinista e o papel que os anarquistas da CNT-FAI, que participava no governo, teve no massacre.

The brief summer of anarchy: the life and death of Durruti - Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s non-fiction “adventure novel” about Buenaventura Durruti and the Spanish anarchist movement (ca. 1917-1937), first published in Germany in 1972, consisting of a more or less chronological “collage” of “translated, abridged and rearranged” excerpts from “reports and speeches, interviews and proclamations … letters, travel narratives, anecdotes, pamphlets, polemics, newspaper articles, autobiographical texts, flyers and propaganda leaflets” (including extensive selections from the eyewitness accounts of Simone Weil, Ilya Ehrenburg, H. E. Kaminski, Mikhail Koltsov, Ricardo Sanz and Jesús Arnal Pena), punctuated by the author’s “Commentaries”.

The mysterious trial of the POUM—Juan Peiró

A brief polemical article intended for publication in Solidaridad Obrera in November 1938, but suppressed by the government censors of Loyalist Spain, in which one of the leaders of the CNT expresses his outrage at the vindictive kangaroo trial of the leaders of the POUM, and issues a resounding appeal to bring the kidnappers and presumed murderers of Andrés Nin to justice in a real court, and to subject them to real laws and proceedings rather than the extraordinary practices of the secret judicial proceedings of the politically privileged Communist Party, to whom he only refers indirectly and with prudent circumlocutions.

Industrial Worker (September 18, 1937)

The September 18, 1937 (Vol. 19, No. 31, Whole No. 82) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Merino Martínez, Julián (1897-1977) - Danny Evans

Headline of the underground newspaper Anarquía produced by FAI members in 1937

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist, who was a prominent ‘mid-level’ activist in the CNT, the FAI and the defence committees in Barcelona during the period of the Second Republic (1931-1936) and Civil War (1936-1939)

Morin, Emilienne Leontine (1901-1991) aka Mimi aka Mimi-FAI

Emilienne Morin

A short biography of Emilienne Morin, active in France and Spain, companera of Buenaventura Durruti

Why Moors help Franco

Spanish Moroccan troops in 1936

A short article by George Padmore discussing the use of Moroccan troops by Francoist forces in the Spanish Civil War, after the Popular Front government had decided to maintain colonial rule.

Signifo kaj graveco de la majaj tagoj antaŭ la kontraŭrevolucio: Andreu Nin

Samtempulo dokumento el la Laborista Partio pri Marksista Unuiĝo, pri la okazoj en Majo 1937.