left communism

Black anger shakes the rotten pillars of bourgeois and democratic "civilization" - Bruno Maffi (1965)

Originally published anonymously (the norm within the Bordigist tradition) in 'Il Programma Comunista' (September 10th 1965), the paper of the former International Communist Party, written by the Left Communist Bruno Maffi (b.1909 – d.2003). Republished in 'Proletarian' #12, Autumn/Winter 2015. The article was prompted by the 1965 Watts riots.

Manifesto of the communist left to the proletarians of Europe (1944)

Manifesto from 'Bulletin international de discussion de la Gauche Communiste Italienne' #6, June 1944.

The Democratic Principle - Amadeo Bordiga

First Published in 'Rassegena Communista', February 1922.

Is the working class movement dead?

Winter of Discontent, 1978-1979

The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in Leicester, 25 January 2017.

Planet Malaquais – Emilie Bickerton

Emilie Bickerton on Geneviève Nakach, 'Malaquais rebelle'. Biography of a world-wandering modernist writer. First published in NLR #84 (Nov–Dec 2013).

Meeting - Revue Internationale pour la Communisation (2003–2008)

'Meeting' was a journal and website focused on communisation, whose driving-force was the French group 'Theorie Communiste' and its followers. One of the outcomes of the work of 'Meeting' was the emergence of the English-language group/journal 'Endnotes'. The texts contained here are mostly in French, with some in English, and, to the best of our knowledge, contain most, if not all, of their output.

This is What Democracy Looks Like: Internationalist Perspective statement on the US Election

IP statement on the US elections, published on November 22 2016 on their blog.

Echanges: bulletin of the network Echanges et Mouvement, (1975–1996)

This is a collection of the issues of the review Echanges from 1975-1996.

Problems of the Period of Transition – Bilan

A series of articles by Jehan van den Hoven ('Mitchell') in 'Bilan' (the journal of the Italian communist left in exile in France and Belgium) on the period of transition to communism. These articles were first translated by the ICC.