France 1968

A few clarifications on anti-work - Bruno Astarian

A historical perspective by Bruno Astarian on anti-work and its current expression in proletarian struggles. Translated by 'Ediciones Inéditos'.

Impressions of May - Ngo Van

Ngo Van's account of his experiences of May 1968.

Sorbonne anarchist leaflet, 1968

The occupied Sorbonne, May 1968

Leaflet produced by anarchists at the Sorbonne University during the May 68 events.

A Internacional Situacionista - La Banquise

Capítulo de "le roman de nos origines" (La Banquise No. 2 1983) que examina as contribuições e limites da Internacional Situacionista. (Traduzido e publicado pelo Grupo Autonomia no website Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária em março de 2006 a partir da versão original em francês - publicada no website John gray-For Communism).

Lefebvre on the Situationists: an interview

An at times playful conversation with Henri Lefebvre conducted by Kristin Ross. Lefebvre, then in his eighties, discussed his memories of Guy Debord and the Situationist International as well as his attempts to provoke mischievous students around Nanterre University in 1968, where the May uprisings began. Originally published in October 79 (1997).

L'enragé no. 1

L'Enragé No. 1

A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by Ruth Porter.

The great anger: Ultra-revolutionary writing in France from the atheist priest to the Bonnot Gang

In this unique volume, Mitchell Abidor presents the key writings of a series of revolutionaries from the late 17th-early 18th century priest Jean Meslier and the Enlightenment radical Baron d’Holbach...

Situationist International anthology - Ken Knabb

E-book of the most comprehensive collection of writings of the Situationist International in English translated and compiled by Ken Knabb.

Obsolete communism: The left wing alternative - Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit

In May '68, a student protest at Nanterre University spread to other universities, to Paris factories, and in a few weeks, to most of France. On May 13, a million Parisians marched. Ten million workers went out on strike. At the center of the fray, from the beginning, was Daniel Cohn-Bendit, expelled from Nanterre for his agitation. Obsolete Communism was written in the five weeks immediately following the French State regaining control. No account of May '68, or indeed of any rebellion, can match its immediacy or urgency.

The French strikes of May-June 1968 - Bruno Astarian

A demystifying review essay and analysis summarizing the events of May-June 1968 in France with an almost exclusive focus on the strikes of the workers, based on reports and testimonies garnered from a voluminous bibliography, providing a sobering reassessment of the largest nationwide strike in French history, which the author defines as a “generalized non-insurrectional work stoppage”.