Get Real SoundCloud Plays, Likes, Followers, Reposts and Comments


  • 100% Safe
  • Quality Followers
  • No Password Required
  • 3 Days Delivery
  • Guaranteed Results


  • 100% Safe
  • Quality Likes
  • No Password Required
  • 3 Days Delivery
  • Guaranteed Results

5,000 Plays

  • 100% Safe
  • High Quality
  • Only 1 track
  • 2~4 Days Delivery
  • Guaranteed Overdelivery


  • 100% Safe
  • Quality Reposts
  • No Password Required
  • 3 Days Delivery
  • Guaranteed Results


  • 100% Safe
  • Quality Comments
  • No Password Required
  • 3 Days Delivery
  • Guaranteed Results

Welcome to BuySCPlays

We are specialised in making Soundcloud rockstars. We provide services that offer you super realistic SoundCloud Plays, Likes, Followers, Reposts, Comments and all-in-one packages that can boost your profile and help you get noticed on SoundCloud! Attract more listeners, engagements and loyal followers, so you can focus on making awesome music.

We dare to say that if you choose to do business with us, you’re in great hands. Try us now, get 1000 free Soundcloud plays and take a test run risk free.

Why BuySCPlays?

We’ve been perfecting our services for the past few years to offer the best experience and results possible. We care about moving talented artists in the right direction. We offer the packages as low as $5 for 5,000 plays so that you can truly experience the quality of what we have to offer before engaging into high volume plans.


Skyrocket Your Soundcloud Profile

Gain Safe & High-Quality Soundcloud plays on any track instantly. Success is just a few clicks away.

100% Secure & Anonymous

We are proud to offer unparalleled security and organic, high quality services. We’ve got your back.

We Are Always Here To Help

Our USA-based Customer Support is available everyday. We’re here to help.