

Collaboration to revitalise Acton Peninsula for the future

Collaboration to revitalise Acton Peninsula for the future

2 May 2017

Today the National Capital Authority released the Acton Peninsula Precinct Draft Structure Plan for community consultation.

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra Thaarramali Pearson

Thaarramali Pearson selected for 2017 NIYP

24 Apr 2017

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra, Thaarramali Pearson, has been selected for the National Indigenous Youth Parliament (NIYP) to be held in Canberra from 23-29 May 2017.

Our Land is Our Birth Right – Mabo25 and Beyond

10 Apr 2017

Registrations are now open for the 2017 National Native Title Conference to be held Monday 5 June to Wednesday 7 June.

Spines of past AIATSIS research publications

Call for submissions to AIATSIS Research Publications

15 Mar 2017

We are now accepting submissions from researchers and academics in Australia and internationally whose work has a connection with Australian Indigenous studies.

ANIRC 2017 program announced

1 Mar 2017

Over 150 leading thinkers, covering the spectrum of Indigenous research and policy development, will come together for three days of thought provoking discussion.

Dr Virginia Marshall portrait

Overturning aqua nullius – securing Aboriginal water rights

22 Feb 2017

The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG officially launched the latest Aboriginal Studies Press publication, Overturning aqua nullius, in Sydney today.

presenters speaking to the group at the aiatsis native title law workshop

AIATSIS hosts native title law workshop

20 Feb 2017

Native title lawyers from eight NTRBs from across Australia gathered at AIATSIS for two days of intensive native title law discussions recently.

image of back of a ute and a water drum with a sign on it in bushland taken from the cover of the report

Authorisation and decision-making in native title

16 Feb 2017

Our latest AIATSIS Research Publication, Authorisation and decision-making in native title by Nick Duff, is now available as a free download.

'The malaka's (superintendent's) house', by Larry Jungarrayi, from The Warlpiri Drawings 1953-54, Meggitt Collection, AIATSIS

Warlpiri Drawings included on Memory of the World Register

9 Feb 2017

The collection of artworks known as the Warlpiri Drawings, held by AIATSIS, was inscribed on the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register in a ceremony in Canberra today.


Russell Taylor AM portrait

Farewell from the CEO

15 Dec 2016

I feel extremely privileged, as the outgoing CEO, to have been able to make a contribution to the sustainable development and future prosperity of AIATSIS.
