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What does it mean to be fit?

Jennifer Morton

Published: May 9 2017 - 4:26PM

When a stranger suggested that my fitness levels were lacking because I can't swim 100 metres, I questioned the meaning of fit.

To me, being fit means having a lean, muscular and strong body.

"Fitness [physical fitness] is defined by being able to perform a task or activity without undue fatigue, which is typically achieved through a regular exercise program as well as good dietary practices," says Luke Bowen, an exercise physiologist at Hills Sports Medicine and Sydney Sports Medicine Centre.

Three years ago, I was fit. I had exercise routines that included mat and boxing workouts for building muscle and strength; running and dancing for cardio and endurance; and yoga for restoration and relaxation. My diet was a mix of fresh, whole foods and lots of water. I felt good and I looked great.

Between the age of 42 and 44, I was in the best shape of my life. I'm now 46, five kilograms over my usual weight and frequently inactive.

Insufficient activity kills 1.6 million people around the world each year, according to the World Health Organisation. Cardiovascular and respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes is responsible for 81 per cent of all noncommunicable diseases globally, which accounts for 70 per cent of the world's deaths.

Those stats aren't sexy.

To test my current fitness, I went to a step aerobics class at my local community centre. I hadn't done a step class since 1992 but I've done lots of Tracy Anderson routines so I was confident I could keep up.

After 20 minutes (mostly the "warm-up"), I could feel the heat radiating off my face as if I was on fire. By the end of the 60-minute class, I proved to myself that I was fit enough to endure it but I didn't enjoy it. And I think that's why I let my fitness slip. I wasn't enjoying the full-on regimes I forced myself to do.

"It's important to find things you love doing so you stay fit," says Karla Gilbert, a nutrition and health coach on the Gold Coast. "There's so much you could do to keep fit and it doesn't have to be huffy-puffy stuff."

At 42 years old, Gilbert could be the poster pin-up for fitness. She's lean, toned and active but she says physical appearance isn't everything.

"You can be fit and not healthy. There are plenty of fit athletes out there who are not healthy. Later in life they end up having diabetes, heart disease and other ailments because they haven't nourished themselves properly," she says.

"To me, fit means living a lifestyle that enables me to do the things I want to do without limits. That might mean endurance racing on a SUP board or doing a 10-kilometre hill run. My level of fit is different to the average bear."

We may not all be average bears, but "fit" will mean something different to everyone.

"A bricklayer requires a certain level of muscular strength and endurance, as well as aerobic capacity to perform his trade, whereas a rugby league player requires a higher level of strength, power and ability to perform frequent bouts of high intensity running or collisions. The fitness requirement is different in each scenario," says Bowen.

Drew Baird, head coach and founder of Drew Baird Fitness, agrees.

"Fitness is so subjective. A weight trainer, may look like the poster child for fitness on the outside, may not be able to run a marathon and a marathon runner may be hopeless at lifting weights. Fit is subjective to whatever activity you are actually doing," says Baird.

I learnt a lot while researching the topic of fitness. Mostly, it's not just about the shape of your body.

"The fusion between a physically fit body and an emotionally fit mind, to me that's fitness. I know so many people who have amazing bodies but are on depression medication and people that don't have amazing bodies who are happy," says Baird.

"Fitness is not out of reach for anyone. Everyone can achieve their optimum level of fitness, health and happiness if they have the motivation, the correct strategy, and the willingness to adjust that strategy when needed."

I may not be able to swim 100 metres but that's OK, I'm not a swimmer. It's been two days since the step class and my calf muscles are in agony. My body may not be super toned right now but I'm as fit and healthy as I need to be.

5 ways to test your physical fitness

  • Michelle Bridges' 12WBT has a series of self-guided fitness tests online
  • Download a multi-stage fitness test (bleep test) app
  • Go to a group fitness class at your local gym
  • Take the World Fitness Level online questionnaire
  • Consult a personal trainer or an exercise physiologist for personalised tests

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