

Eight years' jail, then deportation awaits male nurse who raped sleeping women

A male nurse who raped a patient as she was recovering from surgery is likely to be deported to Singapore after he serves his sentence for sexual assaults on three women.

Jefferson Augustine, 34, digitally raped and sexually assaulted one woman, touching and applying cream to her vagina as she recovered from surgery.

Another woman woke up naked beside Augustine after meeting him via a real estate website and agreeing to move into his spare room.

After drinking with Augustine, she woke the next day in bed with him, naked and with marks on her neck.

Police later found photos on Augustine's phone of him raping her while she was unconscious.

He also attacked a Belgian traveller who stayed at his home after meeting him on the Couchsurfing travel website.


Police found three photos on Augustine's phone that showed him sexually assaulting that woman while she slept.

Augustine was sentenced to eight years in jail in the County Court of Victoria on Friday after being convicted of attacking the three women between August 2015 and March 2016.

Judge Claire Quin said his victims were all vulnerable, with two of them asleep while the patient had been entrusted to his care.

"She was vulnerable as a patient, having just had surgery, and was entrusted into your professional care," the judge said on Friday.

The court heard Augustine is in protective custody and would likely be deported to Singapore after he leaves jail.

He must serve a minimum of six years before he can apply for parole and he is now registered as a sex offender for life.

Judge Quin said at one stage Augustine had been placed in a psychiatric hospital and had been deemed to have "dysfunctional attachment issues" and bipolar tendencies.

She also said Augustine had limited insight into his offending and would require psychological rehabilitation.

He has already served 420 days in pre-sentence detention.