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Media Watch episodes are available for download for up to 12 weeks from air date. Download the complete episodes by clicking on the download links below and choosing 'save' when prompted. (Format: MP4; Size: 40 MB; Duration: 15 min).

Episode 12 - 01/05/2017 Download MP4
Anzac Day outrage; News sites spinning Reddit rubbish; What next for Channel 10? And Paul Antonopoulos forced out
Episode 11 - 24/04/2017 Download MP4
Close call; Going for gold; Putin critics pay with lives and
Prime time PR puff
Episode 10 - 10/04/2017 Download MP4
What lies beneath; Media war over Syria; Internal war at News Corp and Red faces over blushing bride story
Episode 09 - 03/04/2017 Download MP4
Latham lessons not learnt; Media love a miracle; First on Nine five years late and Cyclone Debbie coverage
Episode 08 - 27/03/2017 Download MP4
Paparazzi, privacy and the Press Council; Great Barrier grief missing from The Australian; Two cities, one prize on Nova stations and Exclusive: Darren Davidson predictions.
Episode 07 - 20/03/2017 Download MP4
Weatherill v Frydenberg showdown; Clean and green or toxic and deadly?; Singo making Gosford great again, with a little help from his friends and Sky News civil war
Episode 06 - 13/03/2017 Download MP4
Exclusive interview or airport ambush?; Controversial claims get the soft treatment; Punchbowl story missing in action; Satirical protest taken seriously; BBC interview interrupted
Episode 05 - 06/03/2017 Download MP4
The new Italian Astronaut; Travel tales too good to be true?; Peter Dutton, next Liberal leader? And Karl coverage overload
Episode 04 - 27/02/2017 Download MP4
Coke Fizzer; ACA's life changing ADHD treatment that doesn't work; Keysar Trad flies under the ABC radar; A new front in Trump's media war
Episode 3 - 20/02/2017 Download MP4
Not just fake news but no news; Sex, lies and injunctions; Court copy cats caught out; James Hird and the 'female friend'
Episode 2 - 13/02/2017 Download MP4
Melania Trump v Daily Mail; The Daily Mail and gang misappropriation; The Phantom of the Internet rebooted; How Good Game ran out of lives; Another inappropriate rant by Ross


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