
2006: Senior Citizens Resist Pension Cuts in Turkmenistan

In 2006 reform to pension and benefit allowances spark a series of protests throughout the country. In response the government reversed its position the following year.

The bloody May of 1936 in Thessaloniki, Greece

Mother of Tasos Tousis mourning over her dead sons body.

A general strike of the tobacco workers and other unions on May 8th 1936 led to the bloody events of May 9th. The police confronted the massive strike by opening fire on the protesters. 12 dead and hundreds of wounded in one of the most important days in greek working class history.

A strike like no other strike: Pittston strike holds lessons for today

Female supporters of the strikers

Article by the United Mine Workers of America, 20 years on from the 10-month-long Pittston Coal strike in Virginia. As you would expect from an official union account it omits to mention the wildcat strikers and violent acts of sabotage but contains interesting historical information.

Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990

Striking miners rally

A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement and health benefits, which included mass sit-ins and sabotage.

New York City municipal workers' strike, 1971 - Steven Johns

Bridges locked open by strikers

A short history of a two-day strike by thousands of New York city workers in pursuit of a pension plan.

10 reasons to support the firefighters' strikes

Firefighters in England today walked out on strike for 24 hours in the latest of a series of stoppages in a dispute over massive attacks by the government on their pensions: particularly increasing the retirement age from 55 to 60. Here are the top 10 reasons you should support the firefighters.

The movement against the French pension reform, Autumn 2010

An account, analysis and critique of the 2010 movement against pension cuts in France, by RS for Sic.

Protests in Bosnia

Protests and demonstrations broke out in Tuzla on Wednesday night and have spread to the towns of Zenica, Mostar, Bihac and Sarayevo. In the northern industrial city of Tuzla, thousands of workers have been made redundant with many of them losing their pensions and health benefits.

Nicaragua: the Sandinistas repress the struggle of the pensioners

Account written by comrades in Costa Rica and Nicaragua of how the 'left' government in Nicaragua used both police and its political militias against the struggle of working class pensioners.

Worker sabotage in a financial services call centre

Trolling the bosses

An inspiring first person account of employee sabotage in a pensions call centre, where workers helped customers recoup forgotten pension benefits at the cost of the company in response to bullying management.