
Industrial Pioneer (May 1924)

The May 1924 (Vol. 2, No. 1) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Industrial Pioneer (April 1924)

The April 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 12) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Industrial Pioneer (March 1924)

The March 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 11) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Industrial Pioneer (February 1924)

The February 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 10) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Industrial Pioneer (January 1924)

The January 1924 (Vol. 1, No. 9) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

A call from Venezuela to the anarchists of Latin America and the world: Solidarity is much more than a written word (El Libertario)

El Libertario call on all real anarchists to wake-up about the situation in Venezuela. Events in Venezuela are genuine expressions of working-class frustration, against a corrupt and dysfunctional state-capitalism, no longer able to sustain itself given the sharp fall in global oil prices.

George Woodcock: What is Anarchism?

Pamphlet from 1945 attempting a brief explanation of anarchism and rebuttal of the main criticisms against it. Includes a booklist of Freedom Press titles at that time.

Socialist Studies Tapes List 2007

Socialist Studies Tapes List 2007

Socialist Studies (London) Tapes List from 2007. Note: Tapes no longer available from Socialist Studies.

New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970

New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970

New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970 by a SPGB member L. E. Weidberg addressing Bertrand Russell, A. J. P. Taylor, Biafra etc.