Dealing with homesickness

Schools understand boarders will be homesick and have a range of programs to address it.
Schools understand boarders will be homesick and have a range of programs to address it. Photo: Janie Barrett
by Emily Parkinson

Rural students are still the majority of boarders, according to the Australian Boarding Schools Association. Around two-thirds of the more than 25,000 boarders nationally are from rural families.

It was one of the first big differences teacher and boarding house director at St Patrick's College in Ballarat Mike Silcock noted when he first came to Australia in 2008 from Britain.t

"In Australia, I noticed boarding was valued for its geographic convenience – in the sense of families recognising a lack of educational opportunities in more rural and remote areas. Boarding gave them that access to a better education."

Silcock has been at St Patrick's College in Ballarat since 2013.

Schools understand boarders will be homesick and have a range of programs to address it.
Schools understand boarders will be homesick and have a range of programs to address it. Photo: Janie Barrett

"In the UK, the popularity of boarding is less of a geographical factor and is much more of a realisation of what a boarding education can do; that it is more wholesome, well-rounded and incorporates making 'better people' as opposed to just academically strong or sporting excellence – it's much more holistic than that."

With such a large portion of boarders coming from the country how do boarding house staff manage feelings of homesickness when they strike?

Silcock, who manages 45 male boarders at St Patrick's College, says the first remedy is to acknowledge that homesickness exists – something not done as much with previous generations of boarders when the "get-on-with-it" approach was the norm.

"It's about letting the boys know it's very normal and acceptable to miss your mum, or your dad, or your friends and it's OK to be upset when you feel lonely," he says. "Sometimes I think boarders arrive with a sense that they have to accept being away from home, that they have to accept being away from their family and believe that is the best thing for them. Well, it may be the best thing for them but why can't they, within that, realise they can still miss something."

At Tara Anglican School for Girls' Eggleton House, where there are 55 boarders, peer support is a big help when dealing with homesickness, principal Susan Middlebrook says.

"The girls' relationships are very strong – I think that is one advantage of having 55 boarders as opposed to 100 – is that the girls all know each other well, and they know if one is struggling and they do look after each other like siblings.

"Some girls struggle with it. Others are fine. We encourage the girls to contact their parents 10 times a day if they want to. We have no problem with that. If they need to speak to mum, they do."

At St Mary's Anglican Girls' School in Perth, peer support is also a big factor. Younger girls often take comfort from the experiences of their older peers, says Tina Campbell, head of boarding at St. Mary's.

"I will have girls here who are leaders who will tell the young ones: 'I cried every single night for the first month I was here but look at me now – I can't wait to come back.' They see that other girls have got through it. We haven't got girls in year 12 massively struggling with homesickness. It does get better."

At Pymble Ladies' College, a sense of "belonging" among boarders is fostered through shared activities and agreed codes of behaviour, principal Vicki Waters says. Adherence to the college values of care, courage, integrity, respect and responsibility are important. 

Silcock, who began boarding aged seven, often speaks with parents worried about homesickness before their child begins boarding.

"I tell them: I don't want this student to not miss home. But what I hope – the ideal scenario for any boarder for me is they miss their home but they enjoy coming to school – and likewise, when they are home they are enjoying being at home but they are missing aspects of being at school."