

Insomniac City: Life and love with Oliver Sacks

Memoir of life and love: Author Bill Hayes.

If Bill Haye's Insomniac City were just a book about a love affair between two literary men - himself and Oliver Sacks - 30 years apart in age it would be riches enough, but it is so much more.

A book for your daughter

Gabourey Sidibe: Actor and author of <i>This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare.</i>

The actress who found fame as the lead in the movie Precious has her sarcasm on rueful display in her memoir.

Roxane Gay chooses principles over sales

Feminist author and essential dissenting voice of the Trump era, Roxane Gay, is scheduled to make three appearances at ...

Roxane Gay caused a stir when she pulled her latest book, How to Be Heard, from Simon & Schuster, saying she could not in good conscience share a publisher with white nationalist provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.