Preliminary announcement:
The ERCIM fall meetings will be held in Gothenburg 7-9 October 2018 hosted by RISE-SICS, in conjunction with ECCS 2018.

ERCIM spring meetings 2018

and ERCIM Blockchain Workshop 2018: Blockchain Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities for Computer Science Research

Amsterdam, 8-9 May 2018
hosted by CWI

 Nova University Lisbon

The ERCIM spring meetings 2018 will be hosted by CWI in Amsterdam from Tuesday 8 May - Wednesday 9 May 2018.

Registration form (deadline: 13 April)


Science Park 123
1098 XG Amsterdam

See also "visitor information"

Draft schedule:

Tuesday 8 May
10:30-12:00 Science Task Group
10:30-12:00 Human Capital Task Group
10:30-12:00 Editorial Board / Outreach Task Group
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Task Groups (cont.)
14:00-14:30 Coffee break
14:30-16:00 Strategy Task Group
16:00-18:30 ERCIM AISBL board
19:30 Dinner
Wednesday 9 May
10:30-12:30 ERCIM EEIG board
12:30 Lunch


May is a busy period in Amsterdam, it is suggested to make your reservation as early as possible.

CWI has corporate rates for the following two hotels: 

  • Hotel Casa No more available - fully booked
  • CWI rate is € 110 including breakfast, excluding city tax. When the reservations are made it is important to mention the name "CWI" and corporate rate to them.
    They can be contacted either by phone: +31 20 665 1171 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The Manor Hotel Amsterdam
    CWI rate is € 143 excluding breakfast and city tax. They can be contacted by phone: +31 20 520 55 75 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Mention "CWI" and the corporate rate at the reservation.

Other suggested hotels (without special rates):


The contact person for administrative matters is Hans Hidskes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

For questions regarding this web page and the registration form, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.