Learn from the experts at AWS to advance your knowledge with practical skills so you can get more out of the cloud.

Introductory labs and videos can help you ramp up

Take an online Self-Paced Lab to get hands-on practice with AWS services

Build technical skills and learn best practices from an accredited instructor

Validate knowledge and showcase expertise with industry-recognized certifications

Explore training, labs, and certifications related to ArchitectingDeveloping, and Operations roles.

Onsite training can help your team meet your business objectives sooner. We can work with you to develop a training strategy, and then bring an instructor directly to you to train your staff. Contact us to learn more.  

Learn the foundations of cloud computing, storage, and networking on AWS in this one-day course for anyone who wants to get started using AWS.

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Whether you are just starting out, building on existing IT skills, or sharpening cloud knowledge, AWS Training can help you and your team advance your knowledge so you can be more effective using the cloud.

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Our classes are taught by accredited AWS technical instructors who have deep subject matter expertise so you can get live feedback and answers to your questions as you learn.

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Build a comprehensive understanding of how to apply AWS offerings to your use case, and get practice using AWS features and services.

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Follow a learning path to learn concepts and strategies to prepare you for an AWS Certification exam.

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Does this work?A Does this work?B Does this work?C

Training helped Siemens build their cloud knowledge, speak the same language, and get excited about the AWS Cloud.

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Investing in training has helped Autodesk reduce outages, control costs, and get the most out of AWS.

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Training and Certification helps Booz Allen Hamilton shorten the path to success and the time to value for client projects, and also helps them retain the best and the brightest employees.

APN Partner Training

See our accreditations, certifications, and training plans for APN Partners

Find more learning opportunities at AWS events.

Get answers to common questions about AWS Training and Certiifcation.