

Salt Creek attacker named as Roman Heinze after court order lifted

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The man who attacked two foreign backpackers at South Australia's Salt Creek last year and indecently assaulted another backpacker in 2014 can now be revealed as 61-year-old Roman Heinze.

The South Australian Supreme Court lifted extensive suppression orders on Thursday in the cases involving the former chef.

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Salt Creek attacker named

The man who attacked two foreign backpackers at South Australia's Salt Creek last year and indecently assaulted another backpacker in 2014 can now be revealed as 61-year-old Roman Heinze.

Heinze was found guilty in March over the 2016 Salt Creek crimes and recently pleaded guilty to the earlier offence.

In the Salt Creek case, he attacked two young backpackers on a remote beach where they had been camping while on a drive to Melbourne.

He had met one of the women on classifieds website Gumtree when she advertised for a ride to Melbourne.

Heinze picked the pair up at a train station before driving them to sand dunes in SA's Coorong National Park, where the violent assaults took place.


He tied up a Brazilian woman with rope and sexually assaulted her before hitting a German woman in the head with a hammer several times and repeatedly ramming her with his 4WD.

A jury found him guilty of six charges, including indecent assault, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated assault, endangering life, and causing serious harm.

However, he was found not guilty of attempted murder.

In the 2014 case, he had also agreed to drive a young woman interstate

On the day before the pair were due to leave, Heinze came up behind her and placed a hand over one of her breasts.

He then directed her to a bedroom where he pushed her down onto a bed.

But the woman kicked and screamed, prompting him to desist, the court heard on Thursday.

Heinze will be sentenced next week but has indicated he will appeal his convictions for the Salt Creek crimes.