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Perth's deputy Lord Mayor looks out for mum in need

A Perth stepmum has had a much-needed boost on a difficult day - from none other than Perth's deputy Lord Mayor James Limnios. 

Francesca James' partner got custody of his son soon after they began dating, and Ms James took her new role seriously, deferring university studies for a year to bond with three-year-old William. 

Despite her determination, it was not all smooth sailing.

"We have had some challenges," she said frankly. 

On Tuesday, Ms James had taken the little boy along to a breakfast date with a friend at Dome, Leederville; a rare treat she had looked forward to.  

"William got a little out of routine with his boundaries and he was kicking up a fuss, having none of my efforts to calm him down," she said. 


"A man was sitting nearby having a meeting, I saw him kind of watching from afar.

"I told William it was time to leave."

"My friend walked me back to the car, and she gave me a hug, telling me I was doing fine, and it just made me cry. 

"The man walked out and asked if everything was OK, if there was anything he could do or if there was anything I needed.

"He forced some money into my hand and told me to go get another coffee.

"He told me William was beautiful, that it was important work looking after precious babies, and he could tell I was doing my best.

"I asked him his name and he hesitated, I asked again and he just said he didn't want a fuss but he gave me his card."

Ms James and her friend used the money to buy takeaway juices and went to the park, drinking their juice and continuing to catch up while William played.

They then looked at the man's business card.

Googling him, they realised it was a day Cr Limnios could have been expected to pay little attention to a domestic drama unfolding before him.

That morning, the State Administrative Tribunal had announced Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi guilty of 45 Local Government Act breaches. Ms Scaffidi then refused to step down from her role, despite calls from both sides of state politics for her to resign. 

Cr Limnios may yet find himself the Lord Mayor, however, with a penalty hearing scheduled for May 16 to confirm whether Ms Scaffidi will be suspended or dismissed. 

He would probably get Ms James' vote. 

"He was just really genuine. He made the situation so much better," she said.