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Auckland  15/19 
Beijing  15/31 
mostly cloudy
Brasilia  17/27 
late shower
Buenos Aires  11/16 
Cape Town  13/16 
Lagos  24/31 
mostly sunny
London  9/20 
Los Angeles  14/19 
mostly cloudy
late shower
Mexico City  14/26 
Moscow  0/
New Delhi  29/39 
New York  9/18 
Singapore  24/32 
mostly sunny
Tokyo  16/28 
Vancouver  11/14 
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Weather Forecasts for Thursday

Station Forecast Min Max Chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Rain 15 19 90% Moderate
Sunny 15 31 5% High
Mostly cloudy 17 27 10% High
Buenos Aires
Late shower 11 16 20% Moderate
Cape Town
Rain 13 16 40% Moderate
Thunderstorms 24 31 60% High
Mostly sunny 9 20 90% Moderate
Los Angeles
Mostly cloudy 14 19 30% Moderate
Mexico City
Late shower 14 26 40% Very High
Snow 0 9 50% Moderate
New Delhi
Hazy 29 39 10% Very High
New York
Sunny 9 18 30% Moderate
Thunderstorms 24 32 10% High
Mostly sunny 16 28 60% High
Showers 11 14 90% Moderate
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Weather News

Rain looms for NSW after dry start to May

10:44 EST

It has been a dry start to May across New South Wales, although some decent rain could be on the horizon.

Why rain can make the sunrise and sunset burn more brightly

09:54 EST

From hot pink sunrises to burning orange sunsets, Tasmanians have been witnessing a light show like no other lately �?? and it is all thanks to a little help from some rain.

When disaster strikes this farmer bakes a pav

09:09 EST

For the past six years, Tasmanian beef farmer David Brown has been leaving his farm for weeks at a time to volunteer across the country.