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The rise of the reverse nip/tuck: Surgeons increasingly asked to undo their damage

We've all seen a "too-far face". The one with the waxy sheen, plumped-up cheeks or eyes that just don't look quite right. The "too-far face" is a term used to describe somebody who has gone past the tipping point of cosmetic work – when smooth becomes frozen and when nicely plump becomes pillow-like.

Dr Gazi Hussain, the national vice-president of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, says the biggest risk with Botox and fillers is having an amateur inject your face. While these treatments need to be prescribed by a doctor in Australia, they aren't always administered by a medical professional.

"The person who is doing the injecting may not necessarily be a doctor, they may not even be a nurse. Potentially it could be a beautician with no medical training whatsoever," Hussain warns.

"How do you know what level of training and expertise they have? Are you sure about what you're actually getting put into your face? There is a lot of laxity around the regulations, there is also a lot of laxity around how much those regulations are enforced."  

UK-based Dr David Eccleston, who has been injecting fillers and Botox for 22 years and travels worldwide to train other practitioners, says the key is in doing your research.

This means asking potential injectors how many treatments they do a month and requesting before and after photos.


"Ask which products they use," says Eccleston. "Botox is a brand name that gets used generically. There are two main brands of botulinum toxin – Botox and Azzalure. Botox is my preference and it's the more expensive, so if your surgeon tells you you're having Botox, ask to see the vial." 

Eccleston says another reason people end up overdone is because they go to somebody who "paints by numbers", as he puts it. "Every face is different and needs to be studied before treatment."

London dermatologist Dr Frances Prenna Jones is in full agreement. "As we get older, we lose fat and volume from our face, which is ageing. The theory goes that when we replace that volume – with filler – it's anti-ageing.

"Similarly, we become lined with age, so we freeze those lines. But it isn't that simple. Often a practitioner will fill somewhere that never had volume to begin with, so the results look odd.

"I tell clients to bring a picture of themselves five or 10 years ago so I can see how they've aged, and we go from there. Then they look like a fresher, slightly younger version of themselves." But what if the damage has been done? "If you've had too much Botox, you just have to wait it out for three months," says Eccleston.

"Fillers, however, are a different story and can cause a lot more damage. We see cases of tissue loss, gangrene and asymmetry, where somebody has been injected with the wrong type of filler, in the wrong place, by the wrong person.

"In the right hands, fillers are extremely safe and give brilliant results. But the person injecting needs to know their anatomy. They need to understand how tissue works and what's under your skin; and if something goes wrong, they must be qualified to fix it. In my view, anybody who cannot prescribe should not be injecting filler."

Eccleston advises choosing a filler approved by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

"The FDA has only approved about six fillers, which have all been rigorously tested. My go-to is Juvéderm, but there are other good ones, such as Restylane. Never have permanent filler – only fools have it or inject it – because if it goes wrong, it can only be cut out." 

Temporary fillers can, however, be dissolved by an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which breaks down the links in hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. "In a day or two you'll look the same – lines will come back and your face will return to 'base line'," says Eccleston.

"I specialise in eyes, which is a difficult area to treat, so I see a lot of badly done work," says Dr Maryam Zamani, a London cosmetic doctor. 

"The skin around the eye is just 2mm thick, which is half the depth of skin elsewhere on the face. It's also an emotion-filled area – one used to smile, laugh and cry – so it ages faster."

Zamani says that while a little filler, injected by the right person, can help a tired eye, too much has the opposite effect: "In some cases, you can actually see a bumpy 'lake' under the eye because the skin there is so thin.

"People with allergies should also be wary, because filler will attract water during, say, a bout of hay fever. So always go to an eye specialist who uses FDA-approved fillers. And remember – whatever your treatment – less is more; it's better to have a little and go back, getting it right little by little each time. Don't chase instant results."

Her other tip is to remember the adage about too many cooks. "A lot of people I see have been to several different doctors. This can result in a puffy, overdone look because the doctors aren't working together and are not aware of what the other is injecting."

As for treating too much Botox, Zamani advises using an electric toothbrush: "There's no scientific research to back this up, but I tell overly Botoxed patients to take an electric toothbrush and gently massage the area for five or 10 minutes to help stimulate the muscles, which helps it fade quicker."

UK-based holistic facialist Annee de Mamiel also uses massage to help clients. "We use facial massage and acupuncture to detox the system, which gets filler and Botox moving," she says. "Thankfully, I think we're slowly moving away from the too-far look – people aren't rushing to fill every line any more."

Hussain agrees. "There is a trend away from big, fat obvious lips, overdone cheeks, a forehead that has no movement at all. It does depend on the individual – some people like the idea of everyone knowing they've had stuff done, but the vast majority of people injecting treatments don't want people to know they've had it done."

"Fillers in particular have got a bad reputation," says Prenna Jones. "But in the right hands, they deliver great results. Remember, good filler doesn't get talked about – the people who have it are the ones we just think look great for their age." 

Or as Eccleston puts it: "There's absolutely nothing frightening about Botox or fillers – just be careful who's doing the injecting.

Celebs on cosmetic surgery and ageing naturally

Renée Zellweger: In response to gossip about her appearance in 2014, the 47-year-old actress later wrote, "I did not make a decision to alter my face and have surgery on my eyes." Later, she added, "I'm living a different, happy, more fulfilling life and I'm thrilled that perhaps it shows." 

Courteney Cox: Talking about Botox, the Friends star, who's 52, has said, "I now feel weird if I can't move my face, and that one time I overdid it, I felt trapped in my own skin." 

Meg Ryan: "There are more important conversations than how women look and how they are ageing," says the 55-year-old. "I love my age. I love the person I've become. We get stuck in these conversations about looks. It's interesting for five minutes, but it's not that interesting."

Lulu: "I used to have Botox and I thought it was fantastic at first," says the 68-year-old singer. "[But] too much of it makes your face immovable and it doesn't actually help you to look young."