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Column 8

While "No Trumps" may not be allowed at White House bridge evenings (C8), all players need to keep in mind that in any bridge-building games, "some you may win, some you may lose and some you can totally destroy". Outcomes depend on intelligent and careful planning, interpreting the rules of the game and most of all, being able to predict what is in the hands and minds of the other players. Joy Cooksey, Harrington. [C8: Never truer, Joy.]

Occasionally, I meet friends for lunch on weekends, writes John Ward, Bangor. "Due to the variability of weekend traffic our meeting time is traditionally "one for one-thirtyish". Would C8ers like advise how much time is an 'ish', and what is a socially acceptable tolerance for punctuality, e.g. plus or minus, one or two ' ishes'?"

Vernon Graham,Kurrajong Heights. enjoyed watching reruns of Heartbeat during the rainy weather. "But am usually depressed by the end because of a constant barrage of advertisements for funeral insurance. This show was set in the 1960s but surely not all the viewers nowadays have one foot in the grave."

More TV. "Just watched an episode of Fawlty Towers. Still funny. Would some Professor Higgins out there tell me what regional accent Sybil has?" asks Geoff Gilligan of Coogee.

Oh yes, Wendy Crew (C8), leaf blowers are the scourge of urban living says Peter Russell,Coogee. "They should be re-named "leaf scatterers" or "leaf re-distributors". They don't gather things up for depositing in green bins, they just (temporarily) make it look like you've tidied up. Ban them."

Colleen Burke of Drummoyne has more. "My four-year-old grandson saw someone holding a rake last week, and enquired what it was used for. I explained it was a silent leaf blower, but the raker usually picked up what was raked and disposed of it properly, whereas users of leaf blowers tend to just blow the rubbish from one place to another. He seemed quite content with that explanation."


And. "Please spare a thought for the nightshift worker (of which there are plenty) having to put up with the neighbours lawnmowers starting at 8am Saturday morning when they are heading off to bed." Craig Lonard, Unanderra.

Based on the cacophonous racket in our backyard this morning, I think it would be appropriate for "parliament" to be re-assigned as the collective noun for cockatoos.Yours, Steve Davidson, Warrawee.

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