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Lack of wages growth challenges budget surplus prediction

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The wages growth needed to deliver the federal budget prediction of a return to surplus is unlikely to materialise, employment law experts and economists have warned. 

Employment law authority Andrew Stewart, a professor of law at Adelaide University, said the federal budget had provided no suggestion of how wages growth will be achieved.

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"What you have is an assumption that wages growth will significantly increase in the next few years, but there is no indication of how that will happen," Professor Stewart said.

"If wages growth stays at current record low levels, then revenue from income tax can't possibly deliver the return to surplus that is charted in the budget papers."

Professor Stewart said there is no indication the Fair Work Commission will substantially increase award wages after it recently decided to reduce Sunday penalty rates.

Business groups have strongly urged the Commission to keep any increase in minimum wages at or below the rate of inflation.


"Business is strongly committed to reigning in labour costs and the government itself is committed to a set of policies which will restrain wages or reduce them in real wage terms," Professor Stewart said. "It is hard to see we are going to have a big boost to wages from the tribunal." 

Economist Jim Stanford, director of think tank The Australia Institute's Centre for Future Work, said wages growth had stalled. 

"Total labour compensation declined in the last GDP data, and average weekly earnings are currently growing at an annual rate of less than 1 per cent," he said.

"This reflects the deliberate policy actions of the government, as well as chronically poor labour market conditions.

"Yet in its budget forecast the government is once again waving a magic wand, and assuming that somehow wages will happily start to grow again."

Dr Stanford said the budget was overly optimistic about how many new jobs will be created in coming years in projections of employment growth at 1.5 per cent per year. 

"This doesn't acknowledge that most new jobs have been part-time or casual positions. But the budget is even more optimistic about an expected rebound in wage growth.

"It projects total earnings growing by 3.5 per cent this year, accelerating to 5.25 per cent in the last year of the projections. Wage growth is assumed to accelerate to almost 4 per cent per year.

"How is that going to happen, given that the government is systematically stripping away workers' ability to win any pay increases at all? Does this government commit to trying to help workers win 4 per cent annual wage increases?"

Dr Stanford said the government's projected return to a balanced budget was a "very optimistic assumption". 

Over the four years of the forward projection, annual revenues are expected to expand $120 billion by 2020-21 (or 30 per cent). As a share of GDP, revenues are expected to swell by 2.2 percentage points, reaching the highest share (25.4 per cent of GDP) since the peak of the mining boom (in 2005-06).

"There is no clear explanation of where these huge new revenues come from – especially given the ongoing impact of company tax cuts, the elimination of the deficit repair levy for high-income earners, and other tax reductions," Dr Stanford said.

Warwick Smith, research economist at the Per Capita think tank, said it was hard to see a justification for the government's claims that wages "are suddenly going to turn around and start going up".

"They are not forecasting a substantial fall in unemployment, but they are forecasting a big lift in wages," he said.  

Maintaining full employment in Australia was once considered a top priority of state and federal governments between the end of World War II and the early 1970s. 

"Keeping unemployment low was seen as a collective responsibility," he said.

"The focus today is, in effect, on punishing and stigmatising the unemployed for being unemployed even when there are many more job seekers than there are jobs.

"The mutual obligation framework that currently underpins unemployment benefits rests on an assumption that the unemployed need to be pushed to look for work and that many would not apply for jobs if they were not forced to. To some extent this may be true, but only because many know that there are no jobs for them. Thus, mutual obligation activities become pointless and degrading bureaucratic hoop-jumping exercises."

A spokesman for Treasurer Scott Morrison said the government had been conservative with its economic forecasts over the next four years and these are in line with Deloitte forecasts and based on Treasury's methodology.

"Our broader economic forecasts in this Budget are more conservative than the International Monetary Federation and are in line with the consensus forecasts by Australian agencies," the spokesman said. 

"The economy will be strengthened and wage growth supported in the coming years due to the tax cuts the Turnbull Government delivered to small business that will benefit 3.2 million businesses and record investment in productivity.

"As the RBA Governor Philip Lowe has noted, we are not more than 90 per cent through the withdrawal of the mining investment boom. The end of this drag will support growth and wages in the years ahead."