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Federal budget 2017: Slugging banks is the fairest way to raise billions

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Here's a challenge for the bank lobby and investors long on bank shares: if you think the big new bank tax is outrageous and unfair, tell us what would be a better, fairer way to raise a quick $1.6 billion or so next year.

The great achievement of Scott Morrison's second budget is that it drains the poison of the Abbott years, 2009-15. The period of Total Opposition (whether in opposition or government) has been ruled off. The doctrinaire edge of Institute of Public Affairs ideology has been replaced by our more traditional centrist pragmatism, something that fits with our elusive "Australian values". 

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So what's better than the bank tax?

Before branding it outrageous, tell us what immediate revenue raising would be better, fairer and possible? Michael Pascoe comments.

What follows is belated recognition that revenue must be raised to match big spending. Yes, Virginia, it wasn't just an expenditure problem. The question then is how to raise it.

Through understandable self-interest, the Big Five banks would prefer it not to be by taxing them. They make the honest point that, one way or the other, the tax will end up being paid by a combination of customers and shareholders. That's the way it is with taxes on companies, although, when they're campaigning for company tax cuts, Malcolm Turnbull, Morrison and big business hilariously pretend it's all about wages.

So what's a fairer way to raise an extra $1.6 billion or so next financial year?

It's our tragedy that we remain incapable of tackling genuine, comprehensive tax reform to deliver a smarter, more efficient, more economically beneficial tax system. That and a clear climate/carbon pricing policy were the two big missing ingredients in the budget.


But genuine broad tax reform takes both time and political capital. The Turnbull government has little of either. A broad land tax is beyond the spine of our Prime Minister and premiers. Increasing the GST has been demonstrated to place an unequal burden on the poor. If you think there's opposition to the bank tax, it would be nothing to either of those more economically desirable reforms.

Income tax already is being increased by a little bracket creep and will cop the higher Medicare levy in two years' time. In fact, most of the revenue growth Treasury is relying on for its surplus dream comes from income tax. (Which, in turn, makes Morrison's pre-election tax cut ambition problematical.)

The centrepiece of Turnbull's alleged economic growth plan is cutting company tax. Indeed, you could argue the Big Five banks have been singled out to effectively pay for smaller companies' initial tax cut, so they can't reverse that.

On the other hand, the banks had been given an early Christmas present by the Australian Prudential and Regulation Authority, which told them they had to charge real estate investors an extra 25, 35, 50 points  for their loans, especially if they're interest only. I don't remember the banks crying much about that.

Fully-franked bank dividends are wonderfully fat. Disclosure: the Pascoe family super fund, like many, feasts on them. For example, CBA shares are trading with a dividend yield of 5.1 per cent, plus those rich franking credits. Call it 7 per cent-plus.

If dividends are frozen for a while or even trimmed a little, the dividend yield will still be rather fine and capitalism won't come to an end. If profits being a little lower while the system adjusts means bank chief executives' extremely high incomes are a fraction lower, only five people out of 24 million would give a damn. And even those five couldn't claim to miss it.

From the borrowers' point of view, we actually end up paying, on average, about what the RBA wants us to pay. If the economy is picking up as much as Morrison claims, the banks nudging rates a couple of points may be doing the RBA's job for it.

And there is the announced side benefit of levelling the playing field a little, making our smaller banks, credit unions and building societies more competitive. That is not a bad thing at all. As Michael West argues, the Big Five have done very nicely indeed out of their special relationship with government. 

Yes, banks are a soft target, and that's partly their own fault.

Yes, they now are victims of political competition to be seen to be bashing them the hardest; maybe a Royal Commission would have less painful.

Yes, it's extra tax. Before branding it outrageous, tell us what immediate revenue raising would be better or fairer?

I think I know the banks' answer: "Taxing anyone but us." It doesn't get a pass mark.