The Official Twitter Blog

Keeping you connected to everything from Twitter.

Results from The Twitter Blog for: October 2009

There's a List for That

We’re putting the finishing touches on our new Lists feature and we’re really excited about the folks who have already taken a lot of time creating awesome lists. From the @time list of funny people to your own list of people who make you laugh—it’s easy to see how this feature increases discovery and adds value in lots of ways.


@google Nice!

Bing Goes The Dynamite!

We very firmly believe the open exchange of information can have a positive impact on the world. Every day we see evidence supporting this belief. Most Twitter accounts are public for a good reason—people find value in openness. An open approach means value for users, value for partners, and value for Twitter.


Good Wine and Books

We’re just getting started as a company, but we believe thinking long term about making a positive impact will allow us to grow in the right direction to make a difference as both a technology and a business.


Hello, Bharti Airtel

Help us nail spammers

Today we’ve added another tool to our spam fighting toolbox that will give users the ability to flag bad accounts on Twitter.


Coming Soon: Twitter in More Languages

Join the 'Philanthropic Throwdown'