Tonight on NBC: Your Tweets influence The Million Second Quiz


Do you ever wish you could watch your favorite TV show all the time? Your chance is coming, at least for the 12 days that @NBC’s new game show competition is underway. And on Twitter, you can even help influence who wins.

Viewers of The Million Second Quiz (@MillionSeconds) can watch (literally, 24/7) and offer feedback on Twitter that will affect the outcome of the game.

Hosted by @RyanSeacrest, the show premieres tonight, and will feature a round-the-clock competition for 12 days from a live set in the heart of Manhattan. Fans can sync up with the show during and after the broadcast, online and on Twitter, by answering @MillionSecond’s flash-polling questions. The questions will relate to news and pop culture topics currently trending on Twitter in the U.S. or worldwide. Real-time answers could reward players who have lasted the longest in the game, and feedback from Twitter fans will also help select a contestant for an “elimination round” at the end of the night.

Follow #MoneyChair or #WinnersRow on Twitter and Vine.