A history of pro-choice struggles in Ireland from 1980's to 2009 - Audio


Three speakers talk about the pro-choice struggles in Ireland they were involved in over the last three decades. These include the 1983 anti-referendum campaign, the Womens' Information Network, the SPUC v students case, Dublin Abortion Information Campaign, X-Case, Repeal 8th Amendment, 1992 Referendum, Dublin Abortion Rights Group, Alliance for a No Vote, 1998 referendum, Choice Ireland and the D-Case.The audio was recorded at a meeting of the Maynooth Sociology Society, April 2009. It is one hour in length. The second recording is of the 30 minutes question and answer session after the talks.

Both recordings have been recombined for the Mixcloud below and for the Internet Archive upload

Internet archive - 86 minutes

Talk - http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/apr2009/maynoothcho...g.mp3
Q&A - http://www.indymedia.ie/attachments/apr2009/maynoothpro...a.mp3


History of the pro-choice movement in Ireland 1980's to 2009 by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud

Protest during X-Case

WSM on X-case march

Clinic in container on Women on Waves ship docked in Dublin port

March through Temple Bar during Women on Waves visit

Student protest outside courts during the Stundent Unions v SPUC case

Counter demonstration during 1992 divorce referendum

Court protest during D-case

One of many face off's with anti-choice bigots


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