Audio from the 2011 Feminist Walking Tour


Around 80 people took part in Sunday's annual Feminist Walking Tour to mark International Women's Day. The tour was organised by Choice Ireland, Lashback and RAG and for the first time was confined to the south side of the city, starting at Stephen's Green and ending up in Temple Bar. The audio from the individual stops on the tour is included with this article.

Numbers were considerably down on this years tour in comparison with the previous two tours probably because it came so soon after the general election and a number of the organizers are very active in electoral parties.  

There were 8 stops including the starting point at the top of Grafton street presented here as 5 individual audio segments. Unfortunately a technical error resulted in most of the 5th stop at the National Art Gallery not being recorded.

This audio was recorded on the March 2011 International Women's Day walking tour of Dublin, Sunday 6th March.. The tour was organised by Choice Ireland, Lashback and RAG.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.

Audio 1 - start of tour & rape cries center

Audio 2 - East Side of Stephens Green, Department of Justice & Hume street where Mamie Cadden's clinic was, IWLM, abortion rights

Audio 3 -National Art Gallery & Dail, Ladies Land League, women in the political parties

Audio 4 - Passport office, poverty & migration

Audio 5 - Amnesty - Irish Women Workers Union offices in Temple Bar

Based on an article first published on

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