Fares-Maathoda Island leading the charge in better waste management

Waste Management in Fares-Maathoda Island

What can be achieved when a community unites is truly remarkable.

Check out how the people of Faresmaathoda is leading the charge and being an innovator in better waste management.

Like many other islands in the Maldives, despite having its own Waste Management Centre, the whole of Faresmaathoda was being treated like a waste dump. This changed when Red Production won a small grant of the Mangroves for the Future Programme (MFF).

Under this grant, a waste governance mechanism was brought about and the Waste Management Centre was made functional through the hard work of the Local Council and other partners. Not only is the island a much better and a pleasant place, but the community is continuously testing and finding new solutions for island level waste management which can be replicated elsewhere in the Maldives.

MFF is co-chaired by the International Union for Conservation (IUCN) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). MFF in Maldives is implemented by UNDP Maldives with the guidance of the National Coordination Body, Chaired by the Environment Protection Agency.