About UNDP in Maldives

 UNDP makes efforts to help the most disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable groups, particularly women and youth. Photo Courtesy: Munshid Mohamed 2010

Maldives is a strong supporter of the United Nations and UNDP. In both financial and operational terms, UNDP's country programme for Maldives is quite modest, reflecting the country's improving development status. UNDP works in close consultation with line ministries to help Maldives achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the national development priorities articulated in the 2016-2020 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) - the framework under which the UN provides support to the people of the Maldives, and the UNDP Country Programme 2016-2020.

What do we want to accomplish?

UNDP is working with the Government of Maldives, civil society, other UN agencies, national and international partners, the private sector, and the Maldivian public to help find solutions to persistent development challenges. For almost 40 years, UNDP has been supporting the Maldivian people in areas such as the alleviation of poverty, democratic transition, environment protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and recovery from natural disasters. Much of this support has focused on developing the capacity of government agencies, civil society and community members to find sustainable and responsible solutions to development challenges. UNDP Maldives has done so through technical expertise, advisory support, policy advice, advocacy, knowledge sharing, and dialogue.

What are our results?

UNDP has been working in the Maldives for more than four decades and as new developments unfold, it builds on the results achieved so far. In this regard, UNDP in Maldives has maintained mutually beneficial relationships with many partners on the ground.

The Assessment of Development Results and other evaluations defined the comparative advantages of UNDP in Maldives as: (a) long-standing programmatic engagement and presence: UNDP has present in Maldives since 1978; (b) expertise, especially working on environmental issues, climate change and governance; (c) flexibility and responsiveness; and (d) being the key development partner on the ground, due to the limited number of resident development partners.

In the area of – environmental sustainability and climate change – UNDP has a strong track record in designing and implementing pilot initiatives at the atoll/island level, including in biodiversity conservation, water management, coastal adaptation, and climate data. The UNDP-supported atoll ecosystem-based conservation initiative is regarded as the first and most successful large environmental project in Maldives, receiving international recognition in 2011 as the UNESCO-declared Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve. We are also addressing development issues such as water security and climate change adaptation at the national policy level in a more catalytic and strategic manner.

Through UNDP's Integrated Governance Programme, we are reaffirming the relevance and importance of supporting increased legal awareness and strengthening decentralization frameworks and access to justice, especially for those on outlying atolls. We are also emphasizing on the added value of achieving synergies between promoting accountability of governance institutions and strengthening the capacity of civil society and media.

As gender equality and youth empowerment continue to require effective support in Maldives, UNDP is paying particular attention to strengthen capacity needs in this regard for sustained progress. 

Based on our comparative advantages, and incorporating lessons learned, the new UNDP Country Programme 2016-2020 seeks to contribute to a Maldives that is effectively governed, with wide participation of citizens who enjoy equal opportunities to realize their aspirations, and which is environmentally sustainable and resilient to the effects of climate change. 

Who are the decision makers?

The Resident Coordinator, who heads the UN system, is the designated representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the coordination of development operations at the country level. Ms. Shoko Noda, who assumed office in October 2014, is the Resident Coordinator. In the Maldives, as in most countries, the Resident Coordinator is also the UNDP Resident Representative who is responsible for coordinating programmes and operations. Through such coordination, UNDP seeks to ensure the most effective use of UN and international aid resources. UNDP Maldives is comprised of units responsible for programmes (Resilience and Climate Change, Integrated Governance Programme, and Programme Management and Policy), and programme management support and operations;- covering human resource, finance, procurement, IT, asset maintenance and other important aspects of the office’s day-to-day work.

UNDP Maldives works in partnership with the Government of Maldives and associated line ministries. As the government coordinating agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs guides the implementation of the programme and coordinates the cross-sectoral linkages, to support national ownership and accountability.

Within the framework of the UNDP Country Programme Document 2016-2020, UNDP together with the government of the Maldives prepare a number of programmes and projects that support development interventions. These interventions are regularly assessed for improvement and adjustment to ensure alignment with the changing national priorities and UNDP's Global Strategic Plan.

UNDP maintains strong partnerships with;

  • The Government of Maldives
  • Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organisations and Community-based Organisations
  • Bilateral and Multi-lateral Partners
  • Private Sector and,
  • The UN Country Team

How many are we?

Current Staff Count for Maldives

Contract TypeSub Total
Service Contract 15
UNDP Staff 18
Total 33

Our Consultants

Consultant Number Job Title Project Title Amount of contract (USD)/contract duration
Consultant 1 Consultancy Services for Establishment of Land Information System Building Capacity and Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in the Malidves Project
US$ 43,936.00/ 2 July 12 - 31 Dec 12
Consultant 2 Lecturer – Faculty of Shari'ah & Law/Maldives National University Access to Justice Project US$ 65,307.00/ 8 July 12 - 7 Nov 12
Consultant 3 International Formulation of Employment Standards for the Tourism Sector Employment and Enterprise Development for Women and Youth US$ 35,000.00/ 26 Aug 12 - 25 Oct 12
Consultant 4 Consultant to Develop Standardized quality control procedure and a local certification system for agriculture value addition activities Support to Integrated Farming
US$ 45,887.00/ 15 Oct 12 - 15 Feb 13