
What We Do

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. UNDP in Lesotho supports the Basotho people to build resilience at every level to help achieve long-term sustainable development goals. We are providing assistance in the focus areas of poverty reduction; promotion of transparent, accountable and effective governance at all levels; and managing environmental changes by adopting an integrated approach to sustainable management of natural resources. The programme lays emphasis on addressing the cross cutting issues of gender, youth, and HIV/AIDS in its work across all its focus areas. Our support is governed by the Country Programme Document (CPD)2013-2017 and the Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan (LUNDAP) 2013-2017.See CPD 2013-2017/LUNDAP 2013-2017 here

Our Goals

The UNDP in Lesotho works in partnership with the Government and development partners to fight poverty, strengthen good governance, including the rule of law, human rights, promote gender equality, protect the environment and advance economic and social progress for all Basotho. The Country Programme Document (2013-2017) outlines three key goals that the UNDP aims to achieve by 2017: i) High and inclusive economic growth through increased public and private investment and creation of employment opportunities in the manufacturing, trade and financial services sector, ii) Reversal of environmental degradation and adaptation to climate change by adopting environmental management practices that promote a low carbon climate resilient economy that sustainably manages natural resources and reduces vulnerability, iii) Promotion of peace, democratic governance and building effective institutions by ensuring that national and local governance institutions deliver quality and accessible services to all citizens respecting the protection of human rights, promotion of gender equality, access to justice and peaceful resolution of conflict.

Solar Energy panels installed in the most rural areas to provide electricity to communities

Through the help of Renewable Energy Project, access to electricity was made possible to Basotho in rural areas.more

Our Stories

The Incoming Prime Minister reveiving the National Flag as symbol of taking over the government.

Peaceful government transition in Lesotho

Since 1998 elections, post election activities and taking over of government was never a peaceful event.  For one reason or the other political leaders would, inmore 

Spiral Aloe, one of the indegenous plants in Lesotho to be protected through the land management model

Sustainable land management model developed

Managing a country's natural resources so that they provide the basis for sustainable rural development is a huge challenge. In Lesotho, land is the key resourcemore 

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Projects and Initiatives

  • Empowering Youth for Development

    This is to create decent employment for youth, women and men and also to develop policies and or regulations that generate more and better jobs in sustainable enterprises.more 

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