About UNDP in Lesotho

What we do

 UNDP provided technical assistance to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) by deploying a logistic Adviser, a senior adviser, analysis and mitigation, an IT expert for display of results and a graphic designer to support the IEC.


Our collaboration and support to the Government and people of Lesotho is governed by the Country Programme Document 2013-2017 and the Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan (2013-2017), which is based on the priority needs of the country expressed in the National Strategic Development Plan 2012/13-2016/17. We are committed to building on and sharing experiences with our wide range of partners, to maximize the impact of development initiatives of the Government of Lesotho and other partners. Our work in Lesotho is in three focus areas with emphasis on the cross cutting issues of gender, youth, and HIV/AIDS:
•    Acceleration of Economic Growth - The aim is to support the economy to be more resilient to external shocks and volatility through generation of inclusive employment. UNDP aims to facilitate private sector development and engagement with focus on growing medium-sized, small and micro enterprises based on access to technical and vocational skills as well as targeted financial products from micro finance institutions.
•    Sound Environmental Management for Sustainable Development  - UNDP assistance emphasizes three inter-locking issues that will enable adaptation to climate change and increase resilience – a low-carbon economy, conservation of natural resources to secure livelihoods and production, and better management of risks related to natural disasters.
•    Good Governance and Accountable Institutions – The aim is to boost institutional leadership, performance and accountability, citizen participation and mechanisms for maintaining social peace, targeting core democratic institutions such as the Independent Electoral Commission, Officer of the Ombudsman, Parliament, Human Rights Unit and Ministries critical to policy and institutional reform.

The key principles of implementing UNDP programmes are to ensure national ownership and leadership, build long-term capacities and collaborative approaches.

Our Goals

The UNDP in Lesotho works in partnership with the Government and development partners to fight poverty, strengthen good governance, including the rule of law, human rights, promote gender equality, protect the environment and advance economic and social progress for all Basotho. The programme strategy is to support Lesotho in leveraging its development opportunities and resources to transform the economy, empower the Basotho people, and build resilience.

The Country Programme Document (2013-2017) outlines three key goals to achieve by 2017:
•    High and inclusive economic growth through increased public and private investment and creation of employment opportunities.
•    Reverse environmental degradation and adapt to climate change by adopting environmental management practices that promote a low carbon climate resilient economy.
•    Promote peace, democratic governance and build effective institutions by ensuring that governance institutions deliver quality and accessible services.

Who are the decision makers?

Mr. Salvator Niyonzima is the UN Resident Coordinator who heads the United Nations System and also serves as the Resident Representative for UNDP in Lesotho. Ms. Christy Ahenkora is the Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP’s operations and programming work.

UNDP Lesotho works closely with the Government of Lesotho and a range of partners, including Government ministries and departments, civil society organizations, other development partners and UN agencies to implement programme activities. Our main government counterpart in Lesotho is the Ministry of Development Planning.

Current Staff Count for Lesotho

Contract TypeSub Total
Service Contract 18
UN Volunteers 5
UNDP Staff 27
Total 50

Our Consultants

UNDP Lesotho contracted six consultants currently on service contract.  These consultant receive $30,000 or more from us over a 12 month period.

Consultant Type Job Title Project Title
Service Contract Consultant 1 Small Grants Programme - GEF
Service Contract Consultant 2 Support to Financial Inclusionin Lesotho
Service Contract Consultant 3 Sustainable Land Management
Service Contract Consultant 4 National Strategic Development Plan
Service Contract Consultant 5 Development Partner's Consultative Forum
Service Contract Consultant 6 Youth Empowerment Project