Good Weekend


"You can’t turn your back on the process, you can’t not be involved in society, you can’t not keep arguing with your ...

A.C. Grayling

Stay involved – keep arguing with politicians, urges British philosopher and prolific author, A.C. Grayling.

My sick hat.


Scott Carney climbed to the roof of Africa mostly naked – but for a humble woollen hat on his head.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Conversation starters

Maybe it's best to just stick to safe, non-personal, current affairs topics since you want to remain mature about it.

Benjamin Law.

Public transport

I reckon everyone should be allowed one interest that's objectively, indisputably, scientifically dull.


Chicken with Olives.

Middle Eastern banquet

Start with these two substantial, sensational dishes and you’ll need little more to create a Middle Eastern-inspired banquet.

Illustration by the Project Twins.

Oh, the places you'll go!

It's a special dilemma for restaurateurs, where toilet facilities can be both distant and shared.

South on Albany.

South on Albany

Sally Webb visits the Berry eatery with an emphasis on local produce.