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Aaron Bernstein/Reuters

An Open Letter to the Deputy Attorney General

Rod Rosenstein has more authority than anyone else to restore Americans’ confidence in their government. comment icon Comments


Trump Is Insulting Our Intelligence

This is not about partisanship, but patriotism. comment icon Comments


Rod Rosenstein Fails His Ethics Test

The damage to his reputation serves as a lesson for other allies of Trump.


The Easy Tells of Comey’s Canning

A president who seeks to hide a scandal may be willing to risk an uproar. comment icon Comments

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In Firing Comey, Did Trump Unleash the Next Deep Throat?

The president may hope to shut down the F.B.I.’s investigation into his campaign. That is likely to backfire. comment icon Comments

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Republicans Don’t Feel Your Pain

President Trump’s Obamacare replacement plan “is stunning in its shamelessness and baldness.” comment icon Comments


Translating Trump’s Religious Liberty Order

A presidential order on religious liberty didn’t seem to live up to its scary advanced billing. But that’s only if you weren’t paying close attention. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

What Spain Gets Right on Health Care

Its community care centers provide quality, low-cost care.

A doctor with a patient at a community clinic in Maryland.
L.G.B.T. pride flag at the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Op-Ed Contributor

The Census Won’t Collect L.G.B.T. Data. That’s a Problem.

If we aren’t counted, we can’t be seen or understood.


No Time for Friction With South Korea

South Korea’s new leader and President Trump need to press ahead and find a common strategy on the North.


An Invitation to Wage Theft

Congressional Republicans and President Trump want to make it legal for employers to delay paying time-and-a-half for overtime.


‘We Are Not Burqa’: What Does German Culture Even Mean?

A politician’s essay about what makes Germans German highlights a tendency for thought-policing.

Op-Ed Contributor

Russian Terrorism Now Comes in Green!

President Putin’s supporters have taken to dousing their opponents with dye. Is it a portent of more serious trouble?


The Hunted

Electerio João, 23, in Namina, Mozambique.
All photographs by Daniel Rodrigues for The New York Times

In parts of southern Africa, people with albinism are killed or sold by traffickers.


Readers Respond to the Furor Over the Firing of James Comey

If Trump has nothing to hide, why work so hard to suppress any investigation?

James Comey on Capitol Hill last week.

Internet Regulation

NCTA, the Internet and Television Association, calls for “light touch” regulation, not public utility regulation.


Public Lands Under Threat

A conservationist writes that our public lands are under threat from a variety of extractive industries.


On the French Election

Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election.


The Questions Around James Comey’s Firing

Readers continue to debate the motives of the people involved in the firing of the F.B.I. director.

Op-Ed Contributor

Australia’s Leftward Turn

Economic growth has unleashed two trends that tilt an electorate to the left: booming cities and mass migration.


The People vs. Haaretz

Israel’s most prominent left-wing newspaper has lost its sense of reality — and its support.

Op-Ed Contributor

Theresa May’s Vapid Vision for a One-Party State

The main purpose of Britain’s general election is to destroy two-party politics as the country has known it since 1945.

Op-Ed Contributor

Our Mothers as We Never Saw Them

Photos of our moms before they were mothers can challenge our ideas about motherhood.


Noisy America, Quiet France

The nations’ presidential elections had their similarities, but not in the waning hours when French law calls for a pause.


Don’t Be Complicit, Republicans

My party needs to stand up to this institutional assault. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Nigel Farage, UKIP and the Revenge of the Fruitcakes

The populist independence party has collapsed — but not before bringing down Britain’s old political architecture.


New York, a City Encased in Scaffolding

Scaffolding designed to protect New Yorkers from debris falling off crumbling buildings has sometimes remained for years.


The Filthy Metaphor of Rome

The best of Italy’s capital shines brightly. The rest? Not so much. comment icon Comments


Crisis or Stasis?

After France’s vote, trying to gauge the stability of the Western system as a whole. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

The Princeling in the West Wing

Why are Trump family businesses doing so many deals in China right now? comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributors

A Better Way to Help the World

Humanitarian aid is a moral obligation. But there are smarter ways to do it.


Owning Your Own Future

Stop learning and you could find yourself without a job. comment icon Comments


Disability and the Right to Choose

I’m pro-choice, but aborting a fetus with a “defect” should not be a given. comment icon Comments


Donald Trump Is Lying Again, Now About James Comey

There is no reason to believe the president’s explanation for firing the F.B.I. director. comment icon Comments

Vietnam ’67: A Newsletter About the War

American soldiers watching helicopters landing as part of Operation Pershing in South Vietnam in 1967.
Patrick Christain/Getty Images

Examining America’s long war in Southeast Asia through the course of a single year.


Trump’s Firing of Comey Is All About the Russia Inquiry

The president has now decisively crippled the F.B.I.’s ability to carry out an investigation of him and his associates. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

A Health Care Bill That’s Bad for Moms and Babies

Decent maternity care is crucial. States shouldn’t be allowed to waive it.

Op-Ed Contributor

An Agenda for South Korea’s New Leader

An overture from the incoming Moon administration to start talks with Pyongyang should be made with caution.


A Syrian Plan Worth a Look

Russia’s flawed cease-fire plan is worth considering, but Mr. Trump’s decision to arm Kurdish fighters may complicate matters. comment icon Comments


Land Mines in Angola

The Mine Advisory Group writes that cleanup requires more funding.


‘Safe Harbor’ Online

The general counsel of the Internet Association takes issue with a Sunday Review article.

American Dreamers

Clockwise from top left: Luis Roberto Ursua Briceno; Gloria S. Rinconi; Anayancy Ramos; Nayelli Valdemar

Stories from young people who, under the Obama administration, were spared deportation and permitted to work. Now, their status is in jeopardy.

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