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Comey Has ‘Broad Support’ in F.B.I., Acting Chief Says

  • Testifying before senators, Andrew G. McCabe rejected the White House’s assertion that James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, had lost the backing of rank-and-file agents.
  • Asked about the Russia investigation, he said, “You cannot stop the men and women of the F.B.I. from doing the right thing.”

Sense of Crisis as Trump Defends Firing of Comey

President Trump shrugged off accusations of presidential interference in the firing of Mr. Comey, but at least a half-dozen Republicans broke with their leadership to express concern or dismay.


How Festering Anger at Comey Ended in His Firing

Mr. Trump told aides Monday that there was “something wrong” with Mr. Comey. The president, Mr. Comey told associates, was “outside the realm of normal.”

Trump Voters on Comey’s Ouster: Cheers and Fears

In Dahlonega, Ga., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Media, Pa., most Trump voters said they saw little reason to question the firing of the F.B.I. director. However, a few were concerned.

Minzayar Oo for The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.

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