Apple Claims Over 10 Million iPhone 6 And 6 Plus Sold


Today Apple reported that it has sold over 10 million units of its two brand new phones. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have been flying off of store shelves and are nearly all but sold out. Back orders of the new devices are as far back as early November for some customers. This is exciting news for Apple who have simply dominated the smart phone market once again. This news is also great for investors who were wondering if Apple would bounce back after weak iPhone 5C and iPad sales.

The 10 million units set a new record for the company after selling 9 million units of its previous model phones last year. This could be a result of more consumers preferring larger sized screens over the smaller displays found in the previous iPhone models. Apple hasn’t increased the size of its displays this dramatically ever. As Samsung models continue getting larger and larger, Apple is following suit to meet demand.

A lot of credit for the massive amount of sales goes towards the ability to preorder online, which was not available for previous iPhone releases. Many users experienced severe down times with the online ordering process due to Apple’s servers being flooded with visitors. Despite the hiccup, millions were able to secure their new device.

iOS 8.0.1 Update Coming Soon


News spreading around the web today indicates Apple is working on an update to its new operating system. It will be addressing some issues with the new roll out such as problems with the keyboard, the phone app, airdrop, passbook and some VPN services. A list of fixes include:

– Phone: Addresses bugs with call forwarding and freezing when accessing visual voicemail
– Keyboard: Fixes an issue with keypad not appearing to enter iCloud Keychain verification codes
– Safari: Fixes a problem with videos occasionally not playing
– Sharing: Fixes AirDrop support for Passbook passes
– VPN: Addresses an issue with installing VPN profiles

Apple is fairly diligent in providing updates when unexpected issues arise in their new operating systems. Other than these simple fixes, there haven’t been any widespread reports of hardware malfunctions such as signal or connection problems. While there hasn’t been an estimated release date, Apple is likely to begin seeding the updates as soon as they deem it necessary.