Anil Bhattarai


This mysterious life


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  1. 釘選的推文

    Liv with it. Humans can't cease using their mind. Hence, they produce so many things.

  2. महिला र बालबालिका सरोकार हेड लाइन बनाउ मिडिया बरिस्ट जिउहरू पिलिज आफनो बिषय बनाउनुस समाचरको लागि मृत्यु नकुर .

  3. प्राज्ञिक मान्छेकाे यस्ताे खबर मात्रै अाउँछ, तर राजिनामा अाउँदैन् !?

  4. 'Where's your husband?': Women in farming still fighting against old boys' club

  5. Scientists: Do you have a US .gov climate database that you don't want to see disappear? Add it here: Please share

  6. Karnataka: Rs 5.7 crore in new notes, 32 kg gold found in ‘secret bathroom chamber’

  7. अनि चेतनाका संवाहक कहलिएका दल, तिनका यावत् भातृ संगठन र अनेकन सामाजिक संस्था के गर्दैछन् गाउँघरमा ?

  8. JNU Students' Union started a process to establish an open access JNU Press & has been passed by Academic Council. can be a model

  9. समाजमा थुप्रै अन्धविश्वास र व्यक्तिगत रिसवीसंग जोडिएका ज्यानमाराहरु भेटिन्छन्, र यो बिषय जातभात भन्दा निकै खतरनाक छ।

  10. चीनबाट रेल/ट्रकहुँदै नेपालमा सामान भित्रिएको खबरले भारतका अखबारमा राम्रै ठाम पाएछ। एकाधिकार घट्ने भो भनेर कोकोहोलो !

  11. संघीयतामा जानु नै गलत थियो भन्ने होइन, यो कस्ताको हातमा पर्‍यो भन्ने कुरा हो; संघीयता मात्र होइन- अरु कुन क्षेत्र नै बाँकी छ र अब, बिगार्न?

  12. 1. Victim is dalit, perpetrator is "Lama" 2. Fed human feces 3. "witchcraft" Time for / analysis, not just blame Brahmins.

  13. ... cultures are equally complicit in oppression in Nepal. AND religions tend to believe in .

  14. The most respected medical journal Lancet featured AAP govt Mohalla Clinic. Kudos to 4 brining the healthcare revolution.

    、 及其他 7 位
  15. No shit. It's amazing how long dfid's abysmal practices have been overlooked at home. 3 cheers for the Times.

  16. AAP Govt in Delhi will start a langar soon so that people do not die of hunger in the aftermath of demonetisation

  17. सडक जाम! मन्त्रिज्यू अर्जुन नरसिंह केसी, रमेश लेखक- सडक चौडा पारेर केही हुँदैन, मोटर जति बिक्याछन! सार्वजनिक यातायात निति बनाउनुस !!

  18. A warning to all ideologists, from communism to nationalism to feminism, ideology blurs and narrows your vision,

  19. टपरि अन्तरराष्ट्रिय बजारमा :))

  20. Vitamin supplementation does not work. It might be even very harmful. This fascinating scientific story on BBC.


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