The Oman Library at the Middle East Institute

Thu, Dec 22nd 2011, 2:46PM

HOURS:    Monday - Friday: 10 am - 5 pm, closed Saturday and Sunday



Search 23,000 books and periodicals of the Oman Library in our library catalog.


The Oman Library at the Middle East Institute is known to have the largest English language collection of literature on the Middle East in Washington, D.C, outside of the Library of Congress. It is estimated to house approximately 23,000 books and periodicals, all devoted to the region. Our collection holds materials in regional languages including Arabic, Hebrew, French,Turkish and Farsi. Works in the library include items addressing, among other topics, various aspects of history, culture, politics, literature, and languages of the Middle East, Islamic lands, and relevant regions which reflect and buttress our mission

The collection at the Oman Library is a unique resource for scholarly information about the Middle East, defined by the Institute as those countries spanning from Morocco to Pakistan, including Turkey and the countries of Central Asia. Our biweekly Collection Spotlights feature specific works within our collections and describe potential applications for scholarly research. Perhaps the most unique and special aspect of our collection is that we offer materials that are not easily found elsewhere, including primary documents, hard-to-find periodicals, valuable travelogues and other geographical works, and a large number of rare books. Numerous items in our collection are one-of-a-kind pieces, with the Oman Library being the sole carrier of certain items. Learn more.

We are always looking to expand our collections. Learn how you can donate to the Library.


The Oman Library at the Middle East Institute is located in a pleasant converted nineteenth century coach house overlooking the garden of the Middle East Institute at 1761 N Street, NW, Washington, DC.  For directions and transportation information click here.

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Using a RSS reader is an excellent way to stay on top of the news in specific subject areas. It is easy to create and use an account with feed readers such as The Old Reader, Digg Reader and Feedly, among others. Below is a file that you can download and import into your reader. It has a general Middle East news folder along with country-specific folders for Egypt, Turkey, and Afghanistan/Pakistan. It is intended to be a foundation from which to build on and modify as you discover more feeds that are pertinent to your work or interests.

(Update: The file now also includes a folder for news sources on Syria)

Download the RSS file here!

Instructions: Right-click on the link above and select 'Save Link As' to save the file to your computer, and name it "OmanLibraryRSS.xml".  Then within the RSS reader of your choice, look for an option to Import an OPML or XML file, and choose the file from your computer.