WHO South-East Asia


Official Twitter account for the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) Country accounts:

New Delhi, India
Unit: juny de 2013
Va néixer el 07 d’abril

Has blocat @WHOSEARO

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @WHOSEARO.

  1. Tuit fixat
    7 abr.

    It's ❗️ This yr focuses on & calls on everyone to talk about it more openly

    , , and 3 others
  2. ha retuitat
    7 abr.

    Talking to someone you trust is a step towards recovery. Overcoming stigma towards encourages people to seek help ✅

    , , and 3 others
  3. ha retuitat
    7 abr.
    En resposta a

    Every 40 seconds someone dies by . Suicides are preventable. Find out what you can do to help

    , , and 3 others
  4. ha retuitat
    7 abr.

    after giving birth is very common. If you think you may be affected, seek help. It can be prevented & treated.

    , , and 3 others
  5. 7 abr.
    En resposta a

    Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Reg. Dir. for S-E Asia, on the occasion of 2017 🇮🇳 Full speech:

  6. 7 abr.
    En resposta a

    Latest issue of the Journal of Public : & : towards new paradigms in prevention and care

  7. 7 abr.
    En resposta a

    can be treated If you think you have depression talk to someone you trust - it can be the first step towards recovery.

  8. 7 abr.
    En resposta a

    Message by Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia, on 2017:

  9. ha retuitat
    7 abr.

    Depression prevents us from working & participating in family & community life. At worst, depression leads to suicide

    , , and 3 others
  10. 7 abr.
    En resposta a i

    People who are depressed do not leave their at home when they go to work. If you are worried about someone, offer your support.

  11. 7 abr.
    En resposta a i

    There is a lot that can be done to prevent and treat in older people.

  12. 7 abr.
    En resposta a i

    Talk about , strengthen depression-related services Read the full Press Release:

  13. ha retuitat
    6 abr.

    Risk of increases by poverty, unemployment, relationship issues, illness & problems from substance abuse

  14. ha retuitat
    6 abr.
    En resposta a

    How should countries fund their health systems? WHO's new guide explains how

    , , and 3 others
  15. 6 abr.

    Think your child is ? Talk to him or her about any worries or concerns and seek professional help, if needed.

  16. 6 abr.
    En resposta a

    can be treated. If you think you have depression, talk to someone you trust.

  17. 6 abr.
    En resposta a

    after giving birth is very common. If you think you may be affected, seek help

  18. 6 abr.
    En resposta a i

    Check for expiry dates of raw material and processed before buying and using!

  19. 6 abr.
    En resposta a i

    Always use safe water💧and fresh raw materials to cook !

    • @GHDatState

      Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State. Links, follows and RTs are not to be construed as endorsements.

    • @SDGaction

      United Nations Campaign: Committed to fostering & expanding a global movement to support the implementation of the

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