Daily Life


Dear Jess: How can my husband and I make our at-home office work?

Q. My husband was recently made redundant. Thankfully, he has lots of freelance work. Trouble is, he now works from home – and so do I! He has disrupted my schedule and keeps asking me what's for lunch. How do I tackle this diplomatically?

A. Freelance Friend, I understand how hard it can be to get into professional mode when dealing with the distractions of working from home. For me, the lure of laundry and other domestic chores has been the perfect excuse to avoid work commitments.

Heaven knows how I would cope with my husband at home! The only way I met my book deadline was setting up in the cafe around the corner. The owners generously let me write from a quiet table, while I drank my body weight in caffeine. In the short term, could your husband (or you) work from a local cafe?

You also need to set some ground rules together about how to make your at-home office work. 

Q. I saw my ex on the weekend at a party. I travel a lot for work, so it was the first time I've run into him since I was dumped. I was terribly upset and went home straight away. How do I get over him?

A. Oh my Lovelorn Lovely, a broken heart takes time to heal. I understand why you bolted from the party when you found yourself face-to-face with your ex-boyfriend. Remember that this person is not your true love, as he clearly doesn't appreciate your fabulousness! I wish I had a magic wand to abracadabra all your hurt away.


But you know it's never that simple. It takes time, a notion that is terribly boring – on occasions, I've also wished for a remote control so I could use the fast-forward button. Keep leading your marvellous life (I note you're a frequent flyer). Why not get a new haircut or colour?

Blondes have more fun, and you deserve that. Now, where did I leave my fairy wand?

Contact me via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe. Twitter:@JessRowe

​These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions.