Michelle Emanuel with daughters Ebonie, 17, and Haylie, 12, at their Annandale home. Picture: Evan Morgan

Budget 2017

TOWNSVILLE parents with teenagers and young adults facing the prospect of their children having to pay more to go to university and to pay back the cost of their tuition sooner.

Budget 2017 Funding in the works

FUNDING for water, rail and road projects are among the highlights for Townsville in the Turnbull Government’s 2017-18 budget, Dawson MP George Christensen says.

Quick glance Budget 2017: Your five-minute guide

Budget 2017: Your five-minute guide

THE Federal Government billed this Budget as based on fairness, security and opportunity, but did they get it right? Here’s what it looks like at a glance.

Budget Asset write-off welcome to stay

Asset write-off welcome to stay

TOWNSVILLE small business owner Frank Guglielmino has welcomed the extension of the instant asset tax write-off, saying it benefited his pizza takeaway store last year.

Family at home

Analysis What the Budget means for you

FROM singles to families, sole parents and retirees, there’s a lot to take in from Budget 2017. Here’s what it means for your bottom line.

Budget Pensioners not impressed by $125 payment

Pensioners not impressed by $125 payment

A ONE-OFF payment of $125 for couples isn’t enough to combat the growing cost of energy, Townsville pensioner Marie-France Mack said.

Politics At-risk kids house snub

At-risk kids house snub

THE Federal Government has been accused of snubbing Townsville, with money expected to go towards building another NRL house for at-risk kids being diverted farther North.

Mining City named as mine’s FIFO centre

City named as mine’s FIFO centre

CHINESE-BACKED mining giant MMG has announced Townsville will be the fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) hub for their northwest Queensland zinc mine, creating 400 jobs.

Big spender Here’s to better days, says ScoMo

Here’s to better days, says ScoMo

COMMENT: In a bid to restore faith with voters, the Treasurer has lifted the lid on a Budget centred on a fair go for battlers.

Funding cuts Tourism one of Budget’s big losers

Tourism one of Budget’s big losers

AUSTRALIA’s $100 billion tourism industry was hit hard in Scott Morrison’s Budget on the back of funding cuts and a rise in visiting costs.

War spending Defence spending fast tracked

Defence spending fast tracked

AUSTRALIA will fast track its spending on military hardware including an increased presence on offshore counter terrorism operations in the 2017 Budget.

Queensland funding Blow to state’s biggest project

Blow to state’s biggest project

QUEENSLAND received hundreds of millions in infrastructure funding in the Federal Budget, but the item at the top of the state’s wish list has been sadly neglected. What Queensland gets

Editorial Let’s not miss more sports opportunities

What a magnificent strip the Cowboys have produced for this week’s Indigenous Round. But what a shame they will not be playing that round here, in one of Australia’s greatest indigenous cities.

Opinion Budget hope for Townsville

THE Federal Budget will hopefully deliver much needed stimulus for regional cities such as Townsville.


From Around The Region

Air fares Regional air service fury

Regional air service fury

MOUNT Isa MP Robbie Katter has urged the Government to act on its inquiry into air services.

Regional Bruce Highway death trap

Bruce Highway death trap

WORK on a notorious section of the Bruce Highway in North Queensland will be fast-tracked. Find out where the work will be undertaken.