Question Time

‘I’m happy to take a drug test’: PM

MALCOLM Turnbull once admitted he had smoked pot. Now he is willing to take a drug test following outrage over welfare changes. READER POLL: Have your say

Treasurer’s word Australia’s questions for ScoMo

Australia’s questions for ScoMo
BLOG RECAP: In a blog with readers, Scott Morrison answered your questions on the bank levy, drug testing for the dole and more Budget policies.

Bogus email Aussies warned of Origin Energy hoax

Aussies warned of Origin Energy hoax
TENS of thousands of Australians have been targeted by a fake Origin Energy email containing dangerous malware designed to infect the user’s system.

Budget fallout Shorten playing ‘class war politics’

Shorten playing ‘class war politics’
THE Turnbull government has launched an attack on Bill Shorten, who will argue the Coalition should retain a tax on the rich in his budget reply speech.

Budget row Labor seizes on major tax blowout

Labor seizes on major tax blowout
BILL Shorten calls it a ‘hand-out’ to big business. But Malcolm Turnbull is defending a corporate tax rate cut that will cost a whopping $65 billion.

ScoMo accused of ‘Labor-like’ Budget

ScoMo accused of ‘Labor-like’ Budget
TREASURER Scott Morrison has been attacked for having a ‘Labor-like’ Budget, after he scrapped $13 billion in zombie savings.

Health budget Doctor visits about to get cheaper

Doctor visits about to get cheaper
THE cost of seeing a doctor could fall for the first time in four years and the price of some medicines are set to drop, spelling good news for sick Aussies.

Funding cuts Tourism one of Budget’s big losers

Tourism one of Budget’s big losers
AUSTRALIA’s $100 billion tourism industry was hit hard in Scott Morrison’s Budget on the back of funding cuts and a rise in visiting costs.

Health matters $15m plan to boost vaccinations

$15m plan to boost vaccinations
FAMILIES who fail to immunise their children and who do not get their four-year-olds health checked will lose cash from their Family Tax Benefit payments.

Social policy Bid to fund NDIS sparks $6b search

Bid to fund NDIS sparks $6b search
TREASURER Scott Morrison will look to fill a $6 billion hole amid plans to fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme beyond 2019.