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Video of Margaret River surfer's five-year-old son carving it up goes viral

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Medical experts say the typical motor skills of a five-year-old are usually limited to independently pedalling a tricycle, drawing a person or completing a full somersault.

Kingsley Nicol is not your average five-year-old.

Kingsley first hopped onto a surfboard when he was just 18-months-old, and rode his first wave solo at age three.

With the guidance and teaching of his father Yadin, the little surfer has now developed some serious skills - enough to put some older board-riders to shame.

Yadin originally hails from Cowaramup near Margaret River, and is currently ranked 107 on the pro-surfer circuit.

"Surfing is what I do best and like any other dad out there that is passionate and good at something - they want to do it with their children," he said.


"Just like a footy player plays kick or a baseball player plays catch, I surf with mine."


A video of King and his dad carving it up off the coast of Hawaii has gone viral, after local photographer and friend Peter King captured the moment and posted the footage to Facebook.

The video has since racked up 2.2 million views, and Yadin said he was thrilled when his son's talent went viral.

"The World Surfing League [Facebook page] posted it, and it started getting a bunch of views," he said.

"People started coming up to King at the beach asking if he's the one from the video and asking how old he was so it was fun for him.  

"No matter where we are, we usually try to surf every day but only if the conditions are good for him.

"His favourite is when he gets to come with me and all my friends [he] always says he wants to surf with the big boys."

So what next for the talented little grommet?

"I'm not sure. King says he wants to be a pro surfer so as long as he wants to keep learning, I'll keep teaching. It's too early to know what the future holds but I'm just glad he has fun doing it!"