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'Someone make it stop! Do not have Ed Sheeran open our beautiful new stadium'

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When news broke on Wednesday the upcoming Ashes Test this December would not be the official big "curtain raiser" event for the new Perth Stadium, I was disappointed but not very surprised.

I, like many West Australians, have been a huge cricket fan since I was a kid. For me, it would have been the ideal grand opening event. You could not get any better in my book.

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Perth Stadium 82 per cent complete

Construction of the stadium is 82 per cent complete and on track to open in time for the start of the 2018 AFL season.

But it would have been a small miracle if the stadium had been ready in time. 

Such is life. Move on. Not to worry.

But I can't move on. Not yet.

Because news has now filtered through Ed Sheeran might get the huge honour bestowed on him to open our brand new stadium.


When I first heard this news, I checked the date on my watch to make sure I was not stuck in a time machine and I had somehow found myself caught in the middle of some sick April Fools Day joke.

Of course, I quickly realise I am being silly, and that we are well into May by now. Phew!

But the horror still remains. Ed bloody Sheeran could open this new kick arse stadium.

We have waited for so many years for this thing to open and they are going to give the first big opening event to this bloke? Please!

I've got nothing against Ed Sheeran personally. He sure does have a lovely voice, much better than mine. 

But please, someone make it stop! Do not have him open our beautiful new stadium. 

To be frank, it makes me cringe this chap would get to officially open Western Australia's most highly anticipated project in decades.

The stadium itself promises to be exciting, flash, modern and dare I say it sexy. For me, Sheeran and his music possess none of these things at all.

His music is drab, boring and so not sexy.

I mean, will he even be able to fill the place? Are there that many Sheeran fans in Perth?

To make matters worse I discovered today Sheeran is also good mates with Justin Bieber. Do not get me started on that guy.

Although a story did emerge recently of Sheeran clocking Bieber in the face with a golf club while the pair were drunk. Points to Ed for that. 

When WA's Sport and Recreation Minister Mick Murray was asked on Wednesday if Sheeran would fill the 60,000-seat stadium, the minister seemed to confuse him with the legendary English soccer player Alan Shearer.

"Look, Ed Shearer... I'm one of those people who don't exactly know who Ed Shearer is...I know he's big I've been told by my kids," the minister said.

During my comprehensive investigative research before writing this piece, I noticed one of Sheeran's songs is called You Need Me, I Don't Need You.

Well Mr Sheeran. I think Perth Stadium does not need you to open our new stadium.

Western Australia deserves much better. We've waited long enough. 

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