999 Call for the NHS


After the success of People's March for the NHS, the continues. We back no political party. Retweets are not endorsements.

Se unió en mayo de 2013


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  1. hace 24 horas
  2. 28 ago.

    The money will come from a Government making some clear decisions to create it. Like it did with banks in 2007

  3. 28 ago.

    A govt. does not need to design insurance model. You design a shrunken, rationed NHS & health insurance will be natural outcome.

  4. 28 ago.

    Hunt vs. Hawking? Hawking has merely raised issues we have known for long time.

  5. 28 ago.

    introduction to 8pm radio show. is on the air. why not tune in? debate? Our letter here:

  6. 28 ago.
  7. 28 ago.
  8. 26 ago.
  9. 26 ago.

    I get the gripe .some schools unhelpful ie sensible parents need to justify self limiting illness absences vital link?

  10. 26 ago.
    En respuesta a

    Hoping all NGO's like & that welcome visitors will want to protect NHS & their visitors health

  11. 26 ago.
    En respuesta a

    You get nothing right Jeremy. You need to resign. You're destroying our every day you remain.

  12. 25 ago.

    so there's time to get your group or organisation on our letter of thanks to

  13. 25 ago.
  14. 25 ago.

    BREAKING: Right-wing group cancels Saturday rally in San Francisco that had sparked concerns about violence.

  15. 24 ago.

    Of, course if you're allergic, there's a chance of death. Closing walk-in centres is dangerous when urgent care is required.

  16. 25 ago.

    Get confused by acronyms ? You need a support group

  17. 25 ago.

    Nursing is as much an arts skill as medical. But modern nhs managers are devaluing vocational qualities.

  18. 25 ago.
  19. 25 ago.
  20. 25 ago.
    En respuesta a

    Please add the British public. All of us have used the NHS even if some grotesquely greedy individuals are now buying and selling it.

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