

Federal budget 2017: winners and losers from public service workplace change

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The Department of Human Services will shed nearly 1200 jobs next financial year, Tuesday's federal budget revealed.

DHS was the biggest loser from agency resourcing of full time equivalent positions in Scott Morrison's second budget, coming as average staffing levels across the federal public service were set to remain steady in 2017-18 at about 167,000 positions.

Workforce numbers at DHS will fall by 1188 positions to 28,647 next financial year - a drop of 4 per cent.

The Department of Health will lose 244 positions, or 5.3 per cent of current levels, with the move blamed on "department downsizing", including through a planned voluntary redundancy drive.

A further 245 positions will go from Immigration and Border Protection, explained through "net movements in measures and operational pressures".


As expected, the Defence Department will get an extra 850 public service positions, growing to about 18,200 in 2018-19.

About 100 positions will go from Attorney-General's as the royal commissions into child sexual abuse and Northern Territory youth detention wind up. 

Canberra's Department of Parliamentary Services will receive a boost of 77 positions, a nearly 10 per cent increase due to the moves to further fortify Parliament House from terror attacks and the end of external contracts for catering and functions.

The Department of the Senate will lose four positions, while its sister department overseeing the House of Representatives grows by six.

The newly established Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority will grow from a staff of 16 people to 66, as it becomes a statutory authority from July 1.

Among the central departments, machinery of government changes see the Department of Finance a key loser with a reduction of 61 positions. Treasury will grow by 44 positions in 207-18, while the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet will lose 14.

Average staffing numbers at the Department of Education and Training will fall by 49 positions to 1821, caused by staff movements to the Department of Finance and Department of Employment.

The National Museum will see three extra positions added, with three going from the War Memorial and 15 from the Nationals Archives.

No changes are expected at the National Library, National Gallery, Portrait Gallery, National Film and Sound Archive and High Court.